Monroe Rathbone?

Jun 3rd, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Nylon has a new photo shoot and interview with Mr. Monroe Jackson Rathbone, who talks about receiving word about his role on The Last Airbender by…owl? 😉

hope you lamented about your lime beer problems during your Last Airbender audition.  Oh, I didn’t have to audition.  I actually had my part delivered by an owl, followed by a list of magical school supplies… No, no, I did the normal auditioning process. Actually I had auditioned for M. Night’s The Happening before… then I met Night and we hit it off.

I heard in an M. Night movie, you don’t ever see the full script….  At the audition you only get the lines you’re gonna say, but  this movie in particular based off the Nickelodeon animated series, so it’s a departure from Night’s thrillers. It’s about finding the hero within against all odds, and it’s got some of the most incredible action sequences, with all of these characters being able to manipulate the elements and being able to throw fire and throw water to block it… However, my character only gets to throw a boomerang.  That’s not as rock n’ roll as being able to bend water.

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