Stephenie Meyer Talks Bree Tanner

Jun 3rd, 2010 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles, Movie News

The Twilight Saga site has a new interview with Stephenie Meyer herself, who talks about Bree Tanner, Eclipse, and the official Twilight guide!  You can read the full interview here (you may have to sign onto their site first).

Over the course of the Twilight Saga, we are introduced to a rich hierarchy of vampires. Is Bree the only vampire outside of the core Twilight cast you’ve established such a firm story for? Is there any other character you would enjoy exploring in a similarly involved way?

Given all the time in the world and no distractions, I could write a short story for every one of my characters; some would turn into novellas and some would turn into novels and some would turn into series. Some of the stories are pretty firm—Aro’s early days for example, Marcus and Didyme, Jane and Alec, Charlotte and Peter, Alistair, the Denalis—and some I haven’t given as much thought to. Most of these stories don’t feel as necessary as Bree’s, because Bree’s story affects the central story so directly. I don’t know that I’ll ever do a companion story like this again. It was a lot of fun, though.

Was it easier or more difficult to write about the Twilight universe after seeing it brought to life in a movie?

All of the core Twilight story was written before the first movie came out, so I can’t really say. The movies are a fun and interesting supplement to the books, but they’ve never affected the look of the story in my head.

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