TST’s Eclipse Chapter Countdown

Jun 3rd, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles

Day 27

Chapter 2: Evasion

One of the most comical moments in Eclipse has to be when Charlie tries to have “the talk” with Bella.  How would you like to see this scene play out in the movie?  Is there anything you would change about it?  And do you think  it will even make it into the film?

Krystal’s answer:  I really, really hope they have this scene in the movie!  It is fantastically awkward and uncomfortable and Billy Burke would just hit it out of the park, being the scene stealer he is.  I hope they don’t short-change the scene and play the whole thing out, not just skip over it.  This means including the scene just before, when Edward knows what’s up and won’t tell Bella.  Priceless!

Now let us know what your favorite part of the chapter is, and what you think will be included in the movie!

One Comment to “TST’s Eclipse Chapter Countdown”

  1. Stephanie G Cullen says:

    Well, it really is priceless part, if they put this part they have to put when Edward tells Charlie about the tickes to florida

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