TST’s Eclipse (Chapter) Countdown: Day 24/Chapter 5

Jun 5th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Day 24

Chapter 5: Imprint

In Chapter 5 we learn a lot about the wolves!  One subject that has had everyone talking since Eclipse was released is IMPRINTING!  To make things fun, I thought we would ask the readers to let us know which wolf they would want to imprint on them!  So, if you could pick any wolf from the pack,which one would you want to be totally devoted to you?!?!?!?

Kallie’s Answer: I would want Jacob (from the book) imprinted to me, but if I had to pick one wolfpack member based on the actors it would have to be Paul, played by Alex Meraz… he is… well, nice on the eyes!  😉

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