TST’s Eclipse Chapter Countdown

Jun 12th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Site News

Ok, I’m a slacker!  I totally forgot to post Day 19 yesterday!  Today we will “double your pleasure, and double your fun!”

Days 18&19

Chapter11: Legends & Chapter 12: Time

In these two chapters we learn a lot, along with Bella, about the wolf pack and their history!  Bella also comes to grips with the fact that she will be a vampire soon!  Past and Future collide…

Bella has to deal with the drama that is vampires vs. wolves, so she is not able to take advantage of her last few weeks of being a clumsy, awkward teen.  We want to know what you would do the last few weeks you were human, if you were about to be changed!?!?!

Kallie’s Answer: If it were me, I would eat all my favorite foods and hang with all my favorite friends!