LA Twilight Tour Convention Pics

Jun 13th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

It’s been a jam-packed and exciting weekend here at the LA Twilight Tour convention and I plan to write all about it…later.  After 12+ hours of panels and Q&As with the cast, I’ve managed to summon enough energy to post a few choice pics.  I’ll be adding more pics, along with my report, after the convention.  Good night!  🙂

Update: See my convention observations below!

Hi all!  I’m sitting here in the lobby of my hotel, trying to recall all that’s gone on today, the first day of the LA Eclipse convention.  Earlier I caught Mike Welch, Justin Chon, and Booboo Stewart on stage, where the guys answered fan-submitted questions.  Mike and Justin related some pretty colorful commentary and were pretty goofy with each other (I can’t even begin to go into all of the funny facial expressions these guys made).

Later this evening I got to meet Mike, Justin, Tinsel, and Kiowa, who were all very sweet and great with the fans.  Kiowa seemed rather shy, doodling pictures on the tablecloth and keeping his eyes on his art.  I jokingly asked him if he was going to auction off his masterpiece later this weekend, and he gave a little smile and replied, “maybe.”  There is a karaoke event happening later tonight and I asked him if he would join in, and what song he would pick if he did.  He said that he would have to look through the books first, if he even joined in.  I then asked about his favorite scene in Eclipse (he hasn’t seen the movie yet) and his smile grew big when he said he was looking forward to the graduation party scene.  I don’t know how I’d forgotten about that scene.  Now I’m really looking forward to it myself!

Next off I met Tinsel Korey, who couldn’t have been nicer.  Now, I have to confess that I asked all four cast members the same two questions, about their favorite karaoke song to sing and their favorite scene in the movie.  Trying to come up with something that hasn’t been asked a million times is hard, lol!  I figured I’d be safe if I stick to those two.  Anyway, Tinsel said that she would be saving her voice for the concert she’s giving here on Saturday, but if she had to choose a song it would probably be “These Boots Are Made For Walking.”  She also said that she didn’t know what her favorite scene was because she hasn’t seen the movie yet.  She signed my book and handed it back to me with her pen.  I said that it wasn’t mine (thinking it belonged to the person next to me in line) and she said, “it’s yours now.”  I then realized it was one of her own pens, complete with her name on it. 

Next came Justin.  Now, Justin’s a home-grown, fellow Orange Countyian (yes, I am making that a word), so me and a couple of fellow Twilighters in line talked with him about his hometown, as well as his shops in Buena Park and San Diego.   When asked about tonight’s upcoming karaoke event, Justin said that he might have to bust out some Backstreet Boys.

Finally, we come to Mike Welch.  Mike was very personable and easy to talk to.  Since he is leading the karaoke event, I had to ask his personal choice.  He said that he is the one taking requests from fans tonight.  I asked if that meant he would sing anything.  “Yep.  Anything.”  So of course I asked, “Even Hanson?”  (Please don’t beat me up, Hanson fans!)  He said, “even Hanson.”  Basically giving me an ‘anything goes’ attitude, which is what I wanted to hear.  I told him that I hope he gets some really random songs requests, because it would make for an event greater photo op.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen.  I am off to karaoke.  Will report back tomorrow, hopefully with some pics of all the cast!

(All photos by Krystal Van Eyk)

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