LAST CALL: Send us YOUR Questions for Stephenie Meyer!!!

Jun 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Question of the Week, Site News

Hi Everyone!   We are SOOOOOOO excited to get to meet and interview Stephenie Meyer this week!  So, in honor of the occasion our Question of the Week is to ask YOU for questions!

If you could ask Stephenie Meyer anything about Eclipse (book or movie) or The Short Life of Bree Tanner, what would you ask?

*Leave you questions below, in the Comments, or email them to!

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405 Comments to “LAST CALL: Send us YOUR Questions for Stephenie Meyer!!!”

  1. i was just wanting to know if Bella and Edward were really going to get married in real life because i heard that they were but i just wanted to ask you before i decided to believe people.

  2. Kerry says:

    1. What inspired you to make your vampires sparkle in the sunlight instead of burning?

    2. What made you choose to write the birth of Renesmee/Bella’s transformation scenes from Jacob’s perspective in Breaking Dawn instead of Edward’s?

    3. I know there has been talk of someday writing the stories of other Twilight characters now that Bella & Edward’s story is done. I was wondering, if vampires and werewolves exist in the Twilight universe, what other sort of supernatural creatures exist and would these maybe play in role in future stories?

  3. Jeannette Marleau says:

    What exactly does Edward say to Jacob in the forest that makes Jacob come back?

  4. Jana says:

    1. Was just wondering why Bree calls Edward a red head in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?
    2. Im also wondering if you are planning on finshing Midnight Sun, and if there are going to be any more books about the Cullen Family? (we you know we would all LOVE IT if you did!!!

  5. candace says:


    • Coobugg says:

      Candace, hun trust me on this one, if Stephenie had to make Embry imprint on you than he’d have to imprint on millions of other girls too. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  6. nofita chandra says:

    are you really want this story have the endingin breaking dawn??

    i hope you not sure, i will missing a half of my soul ;(

  7. Karen says:

    Was Jane instructed by Aro to give Victoria’s army the five day training deadline or was this purely Jane’s decision because she personally hates the Cullens so much?

  8. Kim K. says:

    I was wondering if you could rewrite Eclipse, would Bree join the Cullen’s at the end instead of dying? If so, what would her role be in Breaking Dawn?

  9. Cassidy says:

    1. I was just wondering how long did Alice have Bella’s wedding dress for?

    2.Also, what had happened to all of Bella’s things. I know Riley took them, but in the short second life Bree says that he only showed them the red shirt, but Bella had more than that missing? So what happened to the other things he took?

    3. Did Bella get into Dartmouth on her own or did Edward bribe the school?

    4.On pg.279 in the Eclipse book Bella is reading the newspaper and one of the victims is named Omar Jenks. Is he somehow related to J. Jenks from Breaking Dawn?

    5. Were was Edward and what was going through his head when Bella called him and told him that Jacob had kissed her and she had hit him?

    • Abby!!!! says:

      I agree with all of your Questions CASSIDY.


    • Coobugg says:

      HAhaha….to #4…I never picked up on that. As many times as I’ve read the books, I’ve never noticed that! Lol!!

      To #5: PLEASE ASK THIS ONE!!! If there is any moment I’d want to read in Edward’s POV it would be that one!!!

  10. Lola says:

    I was wondering if you could please please finish midnight sun and continue it with other books too cuz im in love with your twilight books they are the only books i read and please dont make any cullen die make it a happy ending cuz if any cullen dies i will cry and be scared for life

  11. soccerchic#2 says:

    What exactly makes vampires sparkle?- other than the obvious fact that they are beautiful creatures that deserve better than burning when exposed to the sun.

    You were able to explain/ devise the way vampires could have children with humans, so I thought there might be a reason/way vampires dazzle in the sunlight.

    Your writing is so amazing that this is the only question I have, everything else has been explained and envisioned perfectly. Thank you for giving our generation a saga worth obsessing over.

  12. Ella says:

    Where did you get the idea for describing Edward’s eye colour as topaz?

  13. Stephenie,
    If you could change anything about any of the Twilight Saga’s, what would it be? and why?

  14. Trina says:

    Will you continue with Renesmee, say the older years when she reaches her mature age and stay that way?

  15. Josiah says:

    My question – though slightly uncomfortable – is regarding the Cullens’ tolerance towards blood at Forks High. While they were at school, Rose, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and Edward, they must have had plenty of incidences with blood. I say this because (here comes the awkward part) of the… “thing”… that happens every month for adolescent females. Also, guys’ (gah! So uncomfortable!) blood… “gathers”… at a “certain spot” in their bodies quite often, being teenage boys with wild hormones controlling their brains. My question is this: do vampires notice these types of things? How do/can they avoid something like that? I’m specifically thinking of Jasper, as he has a hard time controlling himself, even when it’s a drop of blood from a paper cut.

    One more: does Eclipse’s “Fire and Ice” theme refer to Jacob vs. Edward, or the death of a vampire by burning (the flames being the fire, and the vampires’ skin being like ice)? I’d always thought it was the first one till Bree Tanner talked a bit more about fire than Bella had been informed of by Edward.

    -Josiah 🙂

    I’m a huge fan and love the Saga, Bree Tanner, and The Host! I can’t wait to read any of your future works and wish you the best of luck! (Not that you really need it 😀 )

    • Josiah says:

      Sorry, side note:
      I’d started thinking about that question when I read your answer to how vampires can conceive a child with humans. I don’t know why, but when I read about that awkward topic I started thinking about the how’s and why’s about other uncomfortable subjects 😛

    • Coobugg says:

      Oh please ask these!!!! But by the way, Josaiah (sorry if I misspelled that) Stephenie had noted one time about Bella’s period that it didn’t bother Edward that much because it was “dead blood”. He would notice it but it was as strong…that ay answer part of the question, but still really good!!!

      • Josiah says:

        Oh, thanks! I’d never saw that before, but I thought that it might’ve been possible that she’d already answered that. Thank you!

  16. In the Eclipes book, in chapter 23, monster, Bella and Edward was talking about their top favorite nights together (511-513). Edward said his favorite night was when she said yes to marrying him, and in one hundred years he would explain why it meant so much to him. So i was wondering what would have been Edward’s answer if this was one hundred years from now?

  17. Are you working on other books, completely different from the Twilight Saga? If so, can you share what you are working on?

  18. Heather Teng says:

    I’m curious about the real story behind the “crystal” heart that Edward gave to Bella.

    • Coobugg says:

      HE’s a vampire–cold, skin hard like stone, and sparkles….he’s giving his heart/himself to her! 😀

  19. Ashlee says:

    1. How would you want Bella and Edward’s night of “passion” to be portrayed on the big screen?

    2. If you could change one thing about the whole Twilight saga or maybe add something to it, what would it be?

  20. Heather Teng says:

    Also- After reading the novella, it seems that your vampires are more highly flammable than I had originally thought. Why couldn’t Edward have just jumped into a bonfire to kill himself in New Moon instead of going to the Volturi?

  21. Mary says:

    I’m always really confused by this, but the crystal heart in Eclipse, what is the whole meaning by it? And the whole Alice and Edward conversation? Could you explain it.

  22. Ellen says:





  23. Stefanie says:

    1. Has she considered writing a book, somewhat similar to Catherine Hardwicke’s director’s notebook, about her experiences on set? Especially considering how much involvement she’s had, when it seems like other authors don’t get the opportunity to, or choose not to, be so involved in the filmmaking.

    2. What is the experience like, being the author, watching the final cut of the films? Like is she able to just sit back and enjoy the ride?

    3. For the fans, well at least for me anyway, the film soundtracks are some of the things I most look forward to with each release. Are there any artists from your book playlists that haven’t made it on to the soundtracks and that you’re hoping to see on the Breaking Dawn soundtrack?

  24. Hannah says:

    hi, im kind of representing my friends as they dont no about this but do have alot of questions.
    my question is will there be anymore twilight books. (not just with Bella and Edward but with any character)
    I really enjoyed reading about Renesmee and Jacob and would love to know how she continues in her life with jacob. ( Team edward though) my friends question is which twilight charecter are u most like?
    p.s me and my friends are really big fans and already have our tickets for a sneak preview playing of eclipse on 3rd of july cant wait. good luck with your next books i cant wait !!! 🙂

  25. Joan Bryant says:

    First off I wanted to say your a spectacular writer. I never had read a vampire book until Twilight and now I can’t get enough of vampire fiction. Do you ever read any Twilight fanfiction that’s published online? I’ve read a lot and have started writing some of my own. I was also wondering about Fred from The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Did he eventually find out or discover everything Bree was meaning to tell him about vampires that Riley had deceived them all about or did the Volturi eventually hunt him down and kill him?

  26. Liza says:

    1. What did you mean by calling Jacob Bella’s soulmate in another life? Is that mean that he was some kind of destiny for her, or it just mean that he was really good enough for her if Edward didn’t never exist. Maybe I just misunderstood the meaning of the word soulmate, I thought it was always link with “destiny”.
    2. Did Edward really believe that in Breaking dawn Bella still loves Jacob? Because he told it when trying to persuade him to have Bella’s baby
    3. Did Bella really feels only friendship love to Jacob in Breaking Dawn? When she told him that exactly thing: “Love you,Jake”, she loved him like a dear friend?
    4.Did Edward was Bella’s fate in any case,even if he was a human will she love him the same way or her insane love was that kind only because of his supernatural nature?

  27. Michelle De Freitas says:

    HI. well this question gots me a little bit annoyed.
    In the Eclipse book, specifically in Chapter 17.. At the party, Edward was all the night with Bella at her side but then he suddenly walks away and the werewolves arrive, I would expect Edward to be at Bella’s side instantaneously, but he stays away. WHERE DID HE GO?! and we never get an explanation of where he is or what he is doing. I notice that Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie and Esme never reappear either.

  28. Pamela Wiley says:

    1. Im currently reading ‘The short second life of bree tanner’ and I was woundering why dident you let Bree live so she could be with Diego?

  29. Michelle De Freitas says:

    In the Short Life of Bree Tanner… I realized that when Diego went to tell Riley about his discovery, Diego never showed up… and Riley told Bree he was with Victoria, and he was probably lying about that… But then he said something about the ninjas and there I got lost because how did Riley knows about the ninjas if it was between Diego&Bree, I thought maybe before Diego died, Riley interrogated him.. so my question iss.. WHY RILEY KILLED DIEGO?

  30. Krista S says:

    What Jacob so attached to Bella because he was destined to imprint on her daughter?

    • Jenn says:

      Having re-read the Jacob POV in BD so many times, I begani looking for clues too and to me that’s how it reads (Jacob at one point even says sometthing like his need for her grew stronger as her stomach was growing). I also love how Bella sees that Renesmee “thinks Jacob is hers”.

      Hope we can get some of these answered!

  31. Claudia says:

    First, THANK YOU for giving us this amazing world, i love the books..! I wanted to ask you why did you decide to write “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner” instead of finish “Midnight Sun”??

    Claudia, From COLOMBIA

  32. Claudia says:

    First, THANK YOU for giving us this amazing world, i love the books..! Do you Think Breaking Dawn Movie should be Rated “R”, or maybe they should remain RATED PG 13 losing some of the things of the book (wich i wouldnt love)?

    Claudia, From COLOMBIA

  33. Kim says:

    Thank you so much for creating the Twilight world and bringing to life these characters that we all know and love.
    You are definitely on my list for ‘5 people I would like to have dinner with’.
    I know that you wrote Bree for the ‘fans’, but you must know that what would make us all the happiest is the finish to ‘Midnight Sun’. Do you have plans to complete that?

    Also, I can’t stay away from Bella and Edward too long. If I have nothing else ‘pressing’ to read, I inevitably pick up Eclipse or Breaking Dawn. I prefer the books to the movies, but I am curious as the writer who created them, do they haunt you every once in a while? Are there more stories they want you to tell? After all, they will have an eternity to play it all out.

    Now that we know the Volturi purposely let Victoria try to destroy the Cullens and that Bree shared that information with Edward, is it fair to surmise that while Breaking Dawn might be the end of the love story told by Bella that you will continue the Cullen Universe? I’m not sure I’m ready for Renesmee and Jacob, I think it’s weird that he was in love with her mother. But, nothing about this series is ‘normal’ which is why we all are so attached!

    Thank you again for bringing them into this world. I am a voracious reader and love the place they have found in my literary world!

  34. Jenn says:

    I was wondering if you ever plan on having the vampires step in to help the werewolves at some point? All I can see Sam rolling his eyes and thinking “not again…”

    Who is your favorite character to write for?

    With all the info Bree was supposedly sharing with (red-headed?) Edward, did he share it with his family afterward? Wouldn’t that have put them on even more alert from the Volturi? Was it Aro who specifically sent Jane or did she make her own decision? Based on what Jane says to Bella (about still being human) could Caius have sent her?

    I’m not sure why there is all this confusion about Alice and the diamond comment.

    Could witches also exist in the Twilight realm?

  35. Melanie says:

    1. I’m a huge music fan… all kinds. How do you find the music that inspires you? Obviously you have favorite bands but some of the bands on your playlists are widely unknown until you promote them (so to speak). Do you listen to xm radio, subscribe to some kind of music podcast or magazine, frequent itunes?? I like everything you listen to and I’m always surprised by your new finds and with how they fit into your writing so perfectly!

    2. What is a “normal” day like for you? I am a mom with young kids and I like to write but it’s a challenge. How much writing do you complete on an average day and do the “voices” of your characters still spill their stories out to you so much that you can’t keep up or do you sometimes feel like just one page is a great accomplishment on certain days?? Do you actually write every day or how do you pace yourself with all of your commitments?

    3. What do you do that makes you feel most accomplished besides the writing?

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to ask a few questions!!! Truth be told I have a list but this is a start. Hoping to meet you someday myself.

  36. Caroline says:

    I really LOVE all you write on the past history of vampires that are in the books (i.e. Carlisle, Jasper, Rosalie, Edward, etc).

    Do you think you would ever write any books, not containing any Twilight Saga characters necessarily, about ancient vampires in your vampire mythology? That would be an awesome thing to hear about.

    Thank you for changing my life with your books! :]

  37. Grecia says:

    While reading breaking dawn again I looked closey into bellas words…… Why question Iz….can Bella see peoples and vampires auras? (idk how to spell it)

  38. Cassidy says:

    What inspires you the most to write about Edward and Bella? What was the passion and the drive that was behind all of their stories?

  39. Katrine says:

    How old will Renesmee look when she stops ageing? If she looks older than Bella and Edward won’t it be kind of weird for them?

  40. Kelsey says:

    Did you expect the books to be so successful?

  41. airiella says:

    is bree going to have bigger part in the movie than she has in the book i noticed 1 of the tv spots was called “introducing bree tanner? : )

  42. Twilight rox says:

    Will there be a movie on The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?!?

  43. Janet says:

    What church callings would Bella and the Cullens have if they were Mormon? (Sister Cullen – Relief Society President? and Brother Edward Cullen – Scout leader??? [smile].
    Thanks to Stephenie for bringing a fantastic love story and a perfect love to life.

  44. Casey says:

    I was just wondering what happens to a vampire when they try to starve themselves, Carlisle mentioned it in his story. He said it didn’t work, why?

    ***Just as a side note for you guys, you should use the questions you can’t ask Stephenie as Supporter Speculations because there are so many.***

  45. Brenda V says:

    Hi Mrs. Meyer. Thank you for creting the wonderful world of Twilight! My question is : Will you ever consider writing a Volturi Saga? They have lived for centuries and there’s surely a lot to be told about them. I would lovr to read their detailed story.

  46. Jocelyn G. says:

    *What is the story behind the engagement ring?
    It confused me when Alice said, “What’s one more diamond? Well I guess the ring has lot’s of diamonds, but my point is that he already has one on. . . ” And Edward cuts here off.
    What was she trying to say ?

    *It says in the book that if Vampires and Werewolves didn’t exist in her world that she and Jacob would be together.
    But wouldn’t Bella be dead since Edward wasn’t there to save here from the car crash that happened in Twilight? Or if he wasn’t there to rescue her from those guys in Port Angeles ?

  47. Erin says:

    In ‘Breaking Dawn’ Emmett routs for the Gators. Did you choose to write the UF football team in because 2008 was such an awesome year for them, or do you have a personal interest in the Gators? If so, what is it?

  48. Maryann says:

    Some of my favorite parts from the books didn’t make it Into the movies Twilight and New Moon, is there any parts of the Eclipse book (and/or Twilight and New Moon) you wish had made it into the movie, but didn’t?

    Do you have any plans to write any other books not related to The Twilight Saga or The Host?

  49. Kylee says:

    In Eclipse, Edward told Bella that in a hundred years he’d tell her why it was so important to him to get married so soon. What will he tell her in 100 years?

  50. Michelle says:

    Hi Stephenie,

    Thank you for your stories! In Eclipse we learn more about Jasper’s history. I was curious about why you chose Houston and Galveston (of all the places in the south) as Jasper’s cities of origin? I’m a houstonian so I think it’s great, that you did…these two wonderful cities just aren’t often on people’s radars. I personally think Galveston is so haunted and romantic!

    Again thank you for your stories, they bring so much joy…keep ’em coming!

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