LAST CALL: Send us YOUR Questions for Stephenie Meyer!!!

Jun 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Question of the Week, Site News

Hi Everyone!   We are SOOOOOOO excited to get to meet and interview Stephenie Meyer this week!  So, in honor of the occasion our Question of the Week is to ask YOU for questions!

If you could ask Stephenie Meyer anything about Eclipse (book or movie) or The Short Life of Bree Tanner, what would you ask?

*Leave you questions below, in the Comments, or email them to!

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405 Comments to “LAST CALL: Send us YOUR Questions for Stephenie Meyer!!!”

  1. Hey!… so you see I’m a huge fan of Twilight series and I have a couple of questions, 34 for be exactly.Sorry the are not in order… If you cannot answer them there you can send me the answers by email: 😀 1*I don’t understand… Why Edward can’t cross the “line” (go to La Push) but Jacob can cross it (go to Bella’s house, school, etc.)? 2*Since Aro created the volturi clan… Who created Aro? 3*On the last page of BD there says Victoria has a power… Which is it? 4*Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? (By the way… I’m Team Edward) 5*Do vampires have a life after death? 6*When they are burning a vampire… What happen if they lose one piece? 7*What happened with Jacob’s mom? All we know is that she died in a car accident… But is there more? 8*Why is Billy in a wheelchair? Is it because of the car accident whit Jake’s mom? 9*Why didn’t Jacob’s sisters became werewolves? 10*Are the volturi the good guys or the bad guys? 11*What happened to Edward?! I mean why he was suddenly polite with Jacob? 12*What if the person a wolf imprinted dies? Do they imprinted on someone else? 13*I have a theory… I think when Bella was pregnant in Isle Esme she felt bad when Edward was close because of the reaction of the baby when Edward was there, am I right? 14*How did you choose the character’s names? Is there a meaning for each one? 15*There’s something I didn’t understand about Alice’s past… Did her parents send her to a mental hospital? And if they did… Were they crazy? What kind of parents do that?! 16*Which is Emmett’s story? 17*How do Rennesme invert Edward’s and Bella’s powers? 18*Why did you put Jacob’s POV in BD? 19*Well as we know vampires can eat human food… But what happen if they eat too much? Do they get fat? 20*I read twilight when I saw new moon (no long ago), and honestly I didn’t even know what Twilight was… some friends also started reading twilight series after the movie. did you feel that you had more fans after the movie? 21*About Eclipse the movie. In the MTV clip Bella leaves just in front of Edward! How is that posible?! I mean that never happened in the book, because Bella would have never hurt Edward that way! So. why did they put that part in that scene? In the book it was perfect because then Edward would have explained her in class what happend, so how did she find out then? 22*If Bella?s blood smells good only for Edward, then why did Laurent say her blood was irresistible? 23*When you were writing.. did you imagine Bella, Edward, Jacob, The Cullens, The Wolf pack, and all the others characters the way the actors are? because it really confused me when I read that Jacob was bigger than Edward and seemed more scaring, no offenses, but that?s not the way I saw it in the movie. 24*Are you going to continue the series? or that?s all? 25*In New Moon (Movie) Bella hited Paul and her hand was perfect, but in Eclipse she punched Jacob and suddenly broke his hand, is this a movie mistake? 26*Jacob will stay with Rennesme as long as she’ll exist (forever) so does this mean that he will have to stay like a werewolf for forever? 27*Vampires got their special abbilities from their human life (Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett) but which is the story behind Edward’s, Alice’s, Aros’s and Jane’s powers? 28*Ok so you say you did Forever Dawn first so from where is the story? A dream? If it is, how is it that later you dreamed for new moon that Edward was leaving? 29*From where did the idea of making vampires sparkle, die by burning, special abbilities, etc. came and why do they do that? 30*When I finished reading the saga I felt empty, wanting more (just like all the other million fans)… Did you feel that way when you finished writing it? 31*Are here in the world guys like Edward? I mean sweet and polite and just perfect for a girl? I was thinking that Edward was that way because you (a girl) created him… So not to much realistic, no offenses, am I right? 32*Apart from the writting and reading for publish the twilight series have you read them for fun? 33*We know you love Muse but is it coincidence that the memebers look like 3 of the twilight males? 34*What’s the cristal heart’s Edward gave Bella meaning?THAANK YOU FOR WRITING THESE AMAZING BOOKS!

  2. you see I’m a huge fan of Twilight series and I have a couple of questions, 34 for be exactly.Sorry the are not in order… If you cannot answer them there you can send me the answers by email: 😀 1*I don’t understand… Why Edward can’t cross the “line” (go to La Push) but Jacob can cross it (go to Bella’s house, school, etc.)? 2*Since Aro created the volturi clan… Who created Aro? 3*On the last page of BD there says Victoria has a power… Which is it? 4*Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? (By the way… I’m Team Edward) 5*Do vampires have a life after death? 6*When they are burning a vampire… What happen if they lose one piece? 7*What happened with Jacob’s mom? All we know is that she died in a car accident… But is there more? 8*Why is Billy in a wheelchair? Is it because of the car accident whit Jake’s mom? 9*Why didn’t Jacob’s sisters became werewolves? 10*Are the volturi the good guys or the bad guys? 11*What happened to Edward?! I mean why he was suddenly polite with Jacob? 12*What if the person a wolf imprinted dies? Do they imprinted on someone else? 13*I have a theory… I think when Bella was pregnant in Isle Esme she felt bad when Edward was close because of the reaction of the baby when Edward was there, am I right? 14*How did you choose the character’s names? Is there a meaning for each one? 15*There’s something I didn’t understand about Alice’s past… Did her parents send her to a mental hospital? And if they did… Were they crazy? What kind of parents do that?! 16*Which is Emmett’s story? 17*How do Rennesme invert Edward’s and Bella’s powers? 18*Why did you put Jacob’s POV in BD? 19*Well as we know vampires can eat human food… But what happen if they eat too much? Do they get fat? 20*I read twilight when I saw new moon (no long ago), and honestly I didn’t even know what Twilight was… some friends also started reading twilight series after the movie. did you feel that you had more fans after the movie? 21*About Eclipse the movie. In the MTV clip Bella leaves just in front of Edward! How is that posible?! I mean that never happened in the book, because Bella would have never hurt Edward that way! So. why did they put that part in that scene? In the book it was perfect because then Edward would have explained her in class what happend, so how did she find out then? 22*If Bella?s blood smells good only for Edward, then why did Laurent say her blood was irresistible? 23*When you were writing.. did you imagine Bella, Edward, Jacob, The Cullens, The Wolf pack, and all the others characters the way the actors are? because it really confused me when I read that Jacob was bigger than Edward and seemed more scaring, no offenses, but that?s not the way I saw it in the movie. 24*Are you going to continue the series? or that?s all? 25*In New Moon (Movie) Bella hited Paul and her hand was perfect, but in Eclipse she punched Jacob and suddenly broke his hand, is this a movie mistake? 26*Jacob will stay with Rennesme as long as she’ll exist (forever) so does this mean that he will have to stay like a werewolf for forever? 27*Vampires got their special abbilities from their human life (Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett) but which is the story behind Edward’s, Alice’s, Aros’s and Jane’s powers? 28*Ok so you say you did Forever Dawn first so from where is the story? A dream? If it is, how is it that later you dreamed for new moon that Edward was leaving? 29*From where did the idea of making vampires sparkle, die by burning, special abbilities, etc. came and why do they do that? 30*When I finished reading the saga I felt empty, wanting more (just like all the other million fans)… Did you feel that way when you finished writing it? 31*Are here in the world guys like Edward? I mean sweet and polite and just perfect for a girl? I was thinking that Edward was that way because you (a girl) created him… So not to much realistic, no offenses, am I right? 32*Apart from the writting and reading for publish the twilight series have you read them for fun? 33*We know you love Muse but is it coincidence that the memebers look like 3 of the twilight males? 34*What’s the cristal heart’s Edward gave Bella meaning?THAANK YOU FOR WRITING THESE AMAZING BOOKS!

  3. AbbyD88 says:

    Hi Stephenie! I was wondering if you think that the movie scripts are doing Edward justice. I felt that in New Moon ( the movie) it was not explained well enough why he left. It kind of left him seeming like the bad guy which obviously isn’t the case. Also in the clips of Eclipse that I’ve seem online I’ve felt the same way. Do you agree? Why or why not?

  4. Lindsey says:

    Please Stephanie tell us what is next for this series. I know you are not writing any more about bella but another like the bree story would be great! Do you have any ideas on what comes next from you?

  5. aubre says:

    1. In the book it says that vampire’s special abilities come from their strongest human traits. So I was wondering what Jane was like as a human since her power is to hurt people with her mind.
    2. In New Moon when Alice is telling Bella what she found out about her human life she tells her that the date she ‘died’ was also the day she was admitted into the asylum, but she also tells her that the reason she didn’t remember her human life was because she was always in the dark. So how was she always in the dark if she was only in the asylum for one day?
    3. Why did the old vampire who changed Alice protect her from James?
    4. How does Rosalie know so much about cars? Is it just a hobby?
    5. Will Bella ever get to see her mom again after she becomes a vampire? and if so how does she explain the change in her appearance?
    6. Does Edward tell his family what Bree reveals to him about the Volturi before she dies?
    7. How old physically will Reneesme get?
    8. What’s the one thing in the Movie (Eclipse) that you wish had made it in?

    • Alisheeba says:

      2. I *think* the significance of the date was that her parents faked her death. They probably thought that it would be kinder for Alice if the “world” thought she was dead rather than a lunatic. She was clearly clairvoyant even as a human so they put her in a mental institution and told the world she was dead. Weather this was to protect her or themselves I guess we don’t know. I’m sure Stephanie knows! LOL

  6. Coobugg says:

    Dear Mrs.Meyer,

    I know that you hear this like crazy from your fans, but I do have to ask: are you working on any projects right now??? We still have our hopes for [i]Midnight Sun[/i] but [i]Bree Tanner[/i] isn’t going to be enough to keep us simmered down for a while. Like your vampires, once we taste blood–it’s hard to stop. WE can’t all be as strong as Carlisle!! So, could you at least give us a hint of any books you are working on or ideas of books in the future??? PLEASE!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. Coobugg says:

    Is there a possibility for future books about Renesmee??

    • Coobugg says:

      Jacob had imprinted on Nessie….so will they one day be a couple? I would love to read a book about THAT! Please Stephenie!!! You have told us no more Bella, and you have also said that you are ready to put the vampires away… are we going to have more from the story before you start on new projects?

  8. Carrie says:

    My question is very specific. In Ch. 22 Fire and Ice, when Edward and Jacob are beginning their question and answer session, in response to an “unspoken thought”, Edward answers that he is “jealous of that, too”. What was the unspoken thought/question?

    • Alisheeba says:

      I’m betting he means physical Love. Jealous that he can’t give Bella physical Love or at least he doesn’t know it yet LOL.

  9. fey_shadow says:

    there are a few questions that i wanna ask:
    1.What does it means when Bella said to Jacob,”to each her own..?
    2.The part where Bella asked Edward after she went to Angela’s house whether Edward is only worried about her safety or just because he was jealous?
    3.What was Edward thinking when he was reading the passage where Heathcliff was speaking?
    4.What does it means when Edward said to Jacob that he was jeolous of that too?

  10. Coobugg says:

    I do have to ask this, along with “Dome Twilighter!”….”*When I finished reading the saga I felt empty, wanting more (just like all the other million fans)… Did you feel that way when you finished writing it?”

  11. Coobugg says:

    (((HAHAHA….most of the comments on this page are from me, but I keep thinking of new questions)))

    So, I’ve done a lot of reading on your websites and others and we all know that the concept of “Twilight” came from a dream. You had also said on your website that you knew nothing about vampires….so how did you come up with the idea of sparkling vampires? And how did you come up with the vampires vs. werewolves thing if you never knew anything about vampires? Did you do research later after the initial dream??

  12. Coobugg says:

    IT has been a while since I brushed up on my wolves so I may get this backwards….but Leah and Sam were together prior to him becoming a wolf…and then he imprinted on Emily, correct? Did Leah ever imprint?

    And who is Embry’s father??? Is it Billy?

  13. Kim says:

    While my daughter and I were reading Eclipse together, we came up with the question. In chapter 13, Jasper is telling Bella about his back story and he mentions that Maria rewarded the newborns. How did she reward them?

  14. Stefanie & Claudia says:

    We would like to know if the Book’s “Vampire Diaries” has influenced her story about the Twilight-Saga because it’s very similar…. and the Books Vampire Diaries were published in 1991 – almost 20 years!

  15. christine m. says:

    hello! i just want to ask if you’re still going to continue writing midnight sun. i know i sound annoying and probably wasn’t the first one to ask you this but… PLS! I am BEGGING you!!! like you said, we wanted to take a sneak on edward’s head on the full swing!

    and another thing. thanx SO much for publishing your new book ‘the short second life of bree tanner’ on the internet. shows how much you care for your fans. and i LOVE all your books! the host, twilight saga and hopefully some more.

    more power!

  16. Josephine says:

    would it be possible for Renesmee to have a baby and if she had one with Jacob what would it be like?
    is it possible for Jacob to live forever and stay the same age?

    • Alisheeba says:

      According to the books, the wolves only start aging AFTER they can manage to stop shifting for a long period of time. So my guess is as long as he can keep occasionally shifting he’ll never age! 🙂 I would LOVE to see he and Nessie’s babies! She’s half human so she should be able to have a baby and she and Jacob do have the same number of chromosomes, so genetically they should be compatible! Ohhhhhh the possibilities!

  17. Mara is asking says:

    I am just so into these books just finished reading bree story and wanted to know does Edward read brees mind and know that Jane and the other three volutri knew about Victorias plan? I dont remember reading this in Eclipse.

  18. Gia Weigand says:

    Not really a question but more like a statement! People have so many obvious questions that can be answered from the books if you read them properly or look around and you may find she’s answered most of these questions already! Don’t mean to hate….but come on!

  19. Karen says:

    Alice and Bella are meant to be Best friends, but that doesn’t seem to come through. Bella hates shopping and being made up etc. When Bella is upset she doesn’t confide in Alice like a best friend. For example when she comes back from having a fight with Jacob. Alice often speaks to Bella as though she is a parent, kind of reprimanding Bella.
    What things do Bella and Alice have in common that they do together? Is there any chance of an “extra” piece of writing with Alice and bella doing something together as friends?

    • Alisheeba says:

      Those are good questions, I also hoped there would be more Alice/Bella relationship explored, but I can say that there where glimpses of that back story. #1 it is briefly mentioned that it was Alice who was there physically for Bella when she was recovering from her horrendous injuries inflicted by James. Being helped in the shower to the potty etc… That had to have been embarrassing for Bella it must have forged an intimate bond between them. #2 It was Alice that Bella spoke to in her head while she was suffering the worst pain of her life when Edward left. In the movie it was represented as emails she was sending that where all returned to sender.

    • they aren’t meant to be bffs, they are meant to me sisters, you see how eventhough they don’t have much in common like real sisters they still are close

  20. G.Dileep says:

    Hi Stephanie Meyer,

    This is Dileep from India i just wanted to know-

    1. What happens to vampires when they consume food? don’t they have a digestive system like us or is there any other reason!
    wat are the parts they have? are they similar to humans?

    2. You referred indirectly that vampires are hard and cold and fair (white) as a marble, right? but why is laurent not like that!

    Thank you for your time. keep writing.

  21. kaysi says:

    Was the Volturi visiting Victoria and talking about the newborns a plotline that was developed after Eclipse and Breaking Dawn? If not, and this was apart of the back story during Eclipse, why was it never mentioned in Eclipse or Breaking Dawn as Bree told Edward about it just before she was killed. Would Edward have not confirmed that the Volturi wanted the Cullens gone, as this was suggested at some point.

  22. Laura says:

    Do vampires take showers? lol just wondering 🙂

    • Only if they get really dirty. Remeber in Twilight when Carlisle offered for James, Victoria and Laurent to clean up in there house… They don’t from human reasons like, sweat, greasy hair… they don’t do that. They do after hunting sloppily or something.

  23. Laura says:

    Does Edward know what Bree tried to tell him? does he understand the Volturi and Victoria’s plan and how the Volturi was involved with Victoria? and also, Do the Cullens ever meet Fred from The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?

    • Yes he understands. Remeber in Eclipse when Edward says something like ‘there timing was to perfect and that he thinks the planing was made to come at that time.’ Sorry I don’t know the exact quote.

  24. Melissa says:


    Im not sure if you answered this question or not But even till this day i think fans are dying to know, We all have our theories but i would love to know the truth. In Breaking Dawn when Jacobs tells Bella that he imprinted on Renessme she flips, then he tell sher it makes sense because thast why they couldnt bare to be away from each other. What I want to know it does this mean that Bella and Jacob didnt love each other like they thought they did , as in boyfriend-girlfriend, and they just truly loved each other as friends and family . I think that would make alot of sense because than it would explain why they always felt connected. I think they both misunderstood there feelings for eachother because they were young and didnt really think it through..because with edward you can tell she loves him, the way she talks about him, the way she feels when they kiss, when there together.,it was all very romantic and sexual, with jacob it felt more like a family or friend. So I just wanted to know is this waht you were trying to tell us in Breaking Dawn. that Jacob and Bella just truly loved each other as friends and nothing more, it was just a misunderstanding from both of them ?

  25. aubrey says:

    Stephenie, are you going to finish the books from Edward’s point of view?? I know that all of us would love that so much. Edward is so smart and wonderful. We would love to hear his side of all this. PLease, we’re begging you.
    Also, the movies so far lack the humor that are in the books. I miss Eddie’s smile 🙁 What do you think of the humor in the movies?
    What do you think of some of the fanfiction out there for twilight? Ever think, “Ooh what a good idea”?
    If Edward could, do you think he would become human for Bella? Would Bella want that?
    Was Edward a virgin when him and Bella have sex? Thats not very clear. And if so, he wasa virgin for 109 years? HOly crap lol
    Thank you Stephenie for giving me such a beautiful thing to think about and to adore. I am holding out for my Edward because of you 🙂 I LOVE YOU!!! Your writing is so amazing. I love The Host too. You’re just seriously the bomb.

    • Alisheeba says:

      YES! Edward was a virgin for 109 years. Stephanie made it very clear that Edward felt his “virtue” was all he “had left” as in the only cardinal rule of life he hadn’t already broken, what with being a vampire and all LOL. And he wanted Bella to have hers as well. 🙂

  26. Carrie Fisher says:

    For the movie eclipse i would ask if Rosalie, Jasper, and the Quileutes stories are in the movie? and from the book the short life of bree tanner did Diego get killed by the Cullens or did Riley kill him?

    • Alisheeba says:

      Victoria and Riley tortured Diego to death in order to get “intel” from him on what the newborns, particularly Bree, “knew”

      • Barbara says:

        I thought that too, but what did they do with that “Intel”? Riley still allowed Bree to continue on with the coven. Seems like a waste, really. Kill Diego, which knew exactly what Bree did, but let her live?? There has to be more too it.

    • Yes all of those parts are. Haven’t you seen the pictures(of the camp fire, Jasper and Maria) , the new cast members (Maria, Royce ) and the clips(With Riely and Bree talking, Rosalie telling Bella her story)?

  27. Heather says:

    I was just wondering if Stephenie Meyer reads the Twilight books as she would any other fiction book for entertainment?

    Love the series!!

  28. Kristen says:

    Was Diego really killed as Bree suspected, tortured by Riley and Victoria?
    Did Edward get Bree’s message? If he did know, why didn’t we ever find out about the Volturi being in league with Victoria?
    You are amazing Stephenie!!! We love you!!!

  29. Dave says:

    Dear Stephanie,

    1. Why is it Edward who sucks the venom out of Bella in the climax of Twilight? Why the guy who can barely control himself when he’s around her? Why not Carlilse, the friendly neighbourhood antipire?1

    2. …You DO realize that Romeo and Juliet was a parody of romantic fiction, right? And that they were idiots? Is the entirety of Twilight some elaborate and complex farce that you put on? Are you actually some kind of super genius? Is Twilight actually a parody of the genre?

    3. Jasper can affect Bella because of her hormones, chemicals, blood flow, etc, right? Which is why her shield doesn’t stop him. …So why does it also work on vampires? Think about it.

    4. Jasper also goes beserk when Bella loses a single drop of blood. At school, there’s always someone who has a nosebleed, or a cut. Does Bella go to a school for Terminator Highlander Superheroes, or is it just a plot hole?

  30. Jamie says:

    Are you going to write a book about Edward’s life how he turned to a vampire in the first place?? I love what you write about your dream about twilight in the first place I wish you can write much more…

  31. Quiana says:

    What is the process like having your book adapted into a movie/script? How involved are you in the making of the movies? What’s going on with the Host, have you completed or are you working on sequels? How is the process going for the Host movie?

  32. Quiana says:

    Why is it that the Cullen kids such as Rosalie and Edward seem so upset filled with angst about being turned into vampires yet they carry no despise for Charlise who turned them into vampires?

  33. Quiana says:

    What is your writing process like now that you are officially a writer and have an agent and publisher?

  34. Lara says:

    I would like to know if your sons have read the Twilight series & if so, what do they think about the books & the movies? And do they realize how popular the series is & how famour their mom is?

    (I have 2 sons, and my oldest is the same age as one of yours.)

  35. Rachel says:

    Dear Stephenie,
    in your opinion, which actors did portrait your characters the best?

    (IMHO, they all did a pretty good job. Straight out of the books, though, for me, were Chief Swan and Jacob – they are EXACTLY like I thought while reading the books they’d be (and I’m not even in the Jacob Team, LOL).)

  36. Eddia says:

    Would Jacob have imprinted on Bella’s child if said child was a boy?

    I know imprinting is supposed to be to carry on the species and whatnot, but so is love, so there’s no reason why imprinting can’t work in a homosexual as well as a heterosexual manner.

  37. Layla says:

    Dear Ms. Meyer

    We understand the theory of imprinting is how the wolves find their mates.

    Carlisle was a vamp for a long time before he changed any1, viz Edward. Edward said he has walked the earth between his kind and humans for a long time but never found any1 he wanted to be with. Then Carlisle found esme and changed her and rosalie etc etc…
    My question is why is it that carlisle and edward were vampires for a long time without havng found mates because they did walk amongst both human and vampire females? Is there a theory similar to imprinting that exists for vampires or is their choice of a mate a random choice?

    Also would u ever consider doing publicity in my country? I am from South Africa

    Thanx on behalf of all twilight fans

  38. Linette Yde Hansen says:

    Dear Stephenie.

    i really love you as a writer, at i hope you never stops writing, because you have a gift!
    my questions is:
    1. which one, of all the books you have ever writin, do YOU like the most?
    2. are you planning on making a movie to Midnight Sun? (please say yes)
    3. what thing in the world inspires you the most?
    4. will you ever consider writing Midnight Sun to the end, and publish it? (again, please say yes)

    Love Linette.

  39. Hana says:


    Please give Stephenie Meyer this message, I am begging you. She is my idol I swear she inspires people, and I really want this message to get through to her. By the way if it did and she followed my advice it would be to your benefit too. 🙂

    I’m not sure if you’re going to read this but I hope you will. First things first, I am not one of those stupid fans who expects you to proofread their books, or is begging you to audition for Twilight’s next movie. I would like to give you my comments on the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun that you have posted on your website. I am a fan and I do respect you, however I could not believe you were going to write the same book over again, I mean wouldn’t that get boring? That’s what I thought, however after reading the first few pages I got hooked, I couldn’t stop myself from continuing, after debating with myself internally about whether or not to continue I finally decided it would be better to actually be able to read the book for the first time without having to sit in front of the computer. I also just really want a Midnight Sun book to be on my bookshelf beside the rest of the Twilight Saga and, hopefully, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner too. I know your probably feeling down about what happened, and how you don’t feel like writing the book anymore, however I am hoping you will find it in your heart to continue Midnight Sun, and eventually publish it. Being a good person, I didn’t read farther than the first few pages and I am hoping I will eventually be able to read past the first few pages sitting in my room, a nice hardcover Midnight Sun in my hands, my mind lost in the world of Twilight.

  40. Gina says:

    I have kind of a weird question but its something i’ve wondered about since reading “Breaking Dawn.” When Edward is about to change Bella into a vampire, Jacob sees him use a needle to inject her heart with is venom. I was wondering… “How did he get his venom into the needle?”.

  41. Super Twilight Fan says:

    I was wondering whether you are Team Edward or Jacob? Most people who don’t read the books say that they like Jacob because he’s Hot. But most people I know who have read the books like Edward. I am team Edward because i really like the charecter of Edward. PLease answer with a reason.

    Totally Curious,
    Super Twilight Fan

  42. Melisa Urrutia says:


    I found it very interesting that there was never any mention of Bree’s thoughts to Edward in Eclipse or later in Breaking Dawn. I would think that Edward would have shared with Carlisle or Bella the true nature or true knowledge behind the Volturi’s actions. The need to “figure out” out their intentions kind of becomes pointless once Bree lets him in. Was this the reason Bree’s thoughts were not mentioned before? In your new release you asked your readers to think of what they thought Bree would have been like. I think it is a shame that she was killed off because she would have made an incredible addition to the Cullen clan! I would love to see everything from the beginning… or Carlisle. Have you ever thought about taking your story line on the Cullen’s back that far and working forward. I think the Cullen’s want their story out!!

    Thank you so much for giving me my passion for reading back. I owe you one!

    Melisa Urrutia

  43. Hi Stephenie! In Eclipse Rosalie mentions the bet about how many humans Bella will kill when she turns. What did the loser have to do or what did the winner get? THANK YOU!!

  44. Hi Stephenie! Sorry this question is kinda weird but I have been wondering about it ever sence in Charlie said that Renesmee was ‘sturdy’. I was curious because it is hard for me to imagan Alice as heavy. Do the Cullen and vampire acually weigh the same amount as a stone statue of themselves would? Sorry like I said weird… THANKS!

  45. Hi Stephenie! In The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner,
    1) when Bree thought that she heard Diego screaming, did she really? I thought that this meant that Diego was the one that hurt Jacob, was he?
    2) How does Fred cope? I mean Bree kinda thought about him in front of Edward… which means that Aro knows about him. Is Fred in any danger?
    3) One more thing, was Riely telling the truth when he said that Diego went to gather (Bella’s) the humman’s sent? It seemed like Riely cared to much about his ‘kids’ to acually kill his favorite (Diego). He had really seemed honest when he told Bree that he was worryed that Victoria had not arrived at the ‘real battle’ yet. Did he mean it and was that a part of Victoria’s plan?

  46. If Jacob stepped down from the Alpha position and Sam took over, why was the position never offered to Quil? Wasn’t his great grandfather in a higher position than Sam’s? Or is it more of a senority thing with Sam? Thank you so much!

  47. Do the Volturi find out about Fred through Aro? Does this anger them or see it as more of a chalenge?

  48. We know Sam’s father is kind of a mystery, but did he get his “werewolf” gene from his mom or his dad? In humans, at least, the female is usually a carrier, so was it her, or is there perhaps more to his father than has been looked into? Even though the Cullens came to Forks two years prior to Twilight, Sam was the only one who changed even if he was older than the other Quileutes, there must have been something special about him right? Is it mabye possible that there was a reason for his dad being mysteriously “not present” he must have been hiding something, perhaps he was avoiding his love for the same reason Jacob was in New Moon…

  49. Dear Stephenie,
    Is Emily and her family a direct desendent from Ta Aki or a spirit warrior? Her family seems very special. I mean Emily, and Claire were imprinted on, Seth and Leah changed. If Leah changed as the first girl werewolf too…

  50. Dear Stephenie,
    Do vampire kinda imprint? I mean Edward almost fell instanly in love with Bella no matter how hard he tried not to.. and then with nomads and other ‘real vampires’ they choose there mates and are deeply in love with them for eterity, when they change humans for that purpose how do they know that they chose the right one? Rosalie saw Emmett being killed and she had to save him. Even though he had the dimples and the curly hair he could have been a jerk, but he was perfect for her. Also Carlise always has a special conection with Esme even when she was a little girl. Thanks.

    • vbl.sreelakshmi says:

      Hi Stephenie Meyer,
      I wanted to ask if the legends that u have written in the book Eclipse were actually real legends or were they your inventention?
      Thank you.

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