Bryce Interviews Xavier Samuel

Jun 16th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Interview magazine has a new feature on Xaviel Samuel, who is interviewed by his co-star, Bryce Dallas Howard!  Click here to see the rest of his photos and to read the entire interview.

HOWARD: No, I know—I’m a little type A. Before you travel back to the States, make sure to write out a list of everything you want to bring so that you don’t forget anything.

SAMUEL: Okay. I will.

HOWARD: Remember the time I did that for you?

SAMUEL: Yes, Bryce.

HOWARD: It’s great. You’re going so far, and you don’t want to forget anything.

SAMUEL: I will write a list. Do you want me to e-mail you the list to see if there’s anything that needs to be added to it?

HOWARD: Yes. And something in the subject heading that reflects the first line of the document you’re sending me. So before we go, please tell everyone about your experience in Vancouver with the raccoon.

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