Bryce Talks To Self Magazine

Jun 17th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

I’m loving all the Twilight-related magazine love this summer!  Bryce Dallas Howard appears in the July issue of Self magazine, which goes on sale June 22, but here a few quotes from the interview to hold you over till then :)

friend formula

“Understanding that those dearest to me show and accept love differently is key. For example, I’m not a big letter writer, but my best friend is, so to show her that I care, I write to her. Recently, she revealed she’s kept every letter I’ve written to her since we were 15!”

style changers

“I wear more of my clothes! My nice things used to stay in the closet because I was afraid to ruin them. A stylist friend taught me that it’s important to get “dressed!”

workout plan

“Everyone got fit for Eclipse, but maintaining was the challenge! I created a fitness club with five friends. We have weekly check-ins and a reward system. I don’t want to let them down, so success is much more likely. And fun!”

happiness requirements

“1. Ordering in and hunkering down with my husband to watch Spartacus on TV

2. Hanging and talking about nothing and everything with my best friend and sister”

Beauty secrets

“I dry-brush my skin before showering. It’s exfoliating. And Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant is a fantastic lip balm.”

food choices

“I was a vegan until I developed a condition that makes meat’s amino acids critical to my health. The transition was emotional, but I’m grateful that I can still appreciate where food comes from.”

killer cool

“I’m a “Twi-hard”; I read all the books. Victoria is bloodthirsty and a grieving widow. So she was fun to play!”

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