Volvo’s Lost in Forks Campaign

Jun 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Volvo has a new game called “Lost in Forks” on their website.  By trying to reach the Cullen’s house in the shortest number of forks in the road, you can be entered to win a Volvo like the one Edward drives in Eclipse (Volvo XC60)!  Click here to play!

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676 Comments to “Volvo’s Lost in Forks Campaign”

  1. Alice says:

    Can we climb out of the sandbox pleeease?! The fact is people do have busy lives – well I guess they’ll just have to pass on participating then. Having a busy life (I wonder what constitues busy? maybe wrong priorities) but I’ve seen so many posts saying “I’ve been on for HOURS and can’t figure it out please help.” Obviously they don’t have busy lives they would just prefer to cop out.and take the easy way.

    The reason Jennifer gets so angry about people posting the answers (and I do think I can safely speak for you Jennifer), is that this has to do with one’s integrity. There are those in life who make excuses (like my life’s too busy) when in fact they’re just too lazy. There is something to be said for integrity and putting in the time and effort and be able to be satisfied with yourself that YOU figured it out through your own hard work.

    Then there are those who just want things the easy way and yesterday while you’re at it. They dont’ want to have to put in the time it takes. Like a kid wanting a new car at 17 but not being willing to work towards the down payment, they just want their parents to GIVE it to them, kind of like people GIVING them the answers here.

    I’ve seen the comment that “It’s only a game, chill” No it IS more than that and I understand Jennifer’s anger. There ARE consequences in life for this type of behavior Karen and it’s pretty sad. They must be the same people who work as customer service reps and can never ansewr a question correctly, can’t be bothered to do any more than they have to to help a customer, disconnect the calls and just want to do the least they have to in order to get a paycheck. They’re just like these people on here. Try and function like that in REAL life and you won’t have a job for long.

    You can rationalize all day long that it’s just a game, but it’s also a short leap to thinking that this behavior is just fine in other situations too when it’s not. Either you live your life with integrity and honesty or you don’t. Excuses are just that – excuses.

    As for the game, Volvo has been doing this long before the Twilight movies. They did it for all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies and they were not at all easy. It required researching words and phrases and all kinds of things, it wasn’t as simple as plotting out a map, although for many people creating a map seems beyond their thought process or ability, duh. I have no doubt it can be done in less than 11 and I don’t think people are just lying or trying to scare others. I happen to think it is TOO easy.

    Of course people will make a map and, with a little degree of intelligence realize the initial short-cut that will shave some forks off the trip which ended up with 11. However, what this has done is get everyone to think “inside the box” looking for another way, according to the map, to get there. It has people becoming complacent and not thinking “outside” the box. I have found that after getting sent back to the beginning several times that the end of a fork would change. In ohter words I chose the fork which according to prior attempts took me to the construction site, but then suddenly it was taking me somewhere else instead. At first I thought I just mislabeled the link but when it happened again I realized there must be more to it. Given the complexity of the other Volvo contests I think it is highly likely there is a shorter route than 11, just NOT gonig by the map we’ve all taken for granted will be the same every time, hence being stuck inside the box.

    It would be nice if someone provided a screenshot showing less than 11 but I wouldn’t count it out just because I haven’t seen it. As for the sarcastic comment that Ryan must have a computer that does what nobody elses computer does only shows ignorance. As the programmer mentioned, it is quite possible to program the game software that way and dispelllng Ryan’s comments because you’re not computer literate only makes you look foolish.

    This contest, like anything which involves money, often brings out the worst in people. This one apparently has also which is truly unfortunate. It IS irritating that people find the need to help out and only contribute to the laziness of others. Fortunately Jennifer, those needing help at THIS level will NEVER make it through the second level, though their laziness irritates me, and with some posts, shows people’s sheer stupidity, they’ll always be around but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

    What this is really about and why

    • Look Alice all the following people I’ve chatted with have said the same thing 11 forks it’s not thinking inside the box it’s what it is and if what you say is true Alice about how when you go to different places and turn different ways constantly it changes where you it up then there will be a higher number of forks…honestly I don’t believe those people who say that there are shorter routes than 11 forks… the one thing I agree with is the fact that to some this isn’t just a game to some people it has grabbed a lot of people…I personally really didn’t like Twilight when it came out at first I just thought of it as a girly fad that would eventual die down after the first movie…but one day I read it (got bored) and I got caught up it and the twilight saga turned out to be some of the best books I’ve ever read and some of the best movies I’ve ever seen it’s hard not to get caught up in it…but in short I think it would be best for everyone to stop stressing trust your gut and do what feels right stop listening to all this oh it’s a short cut or there’s another turn it’s just going to confuse you just relax man whoever wins wins there’s going to be two more contest b/c there going to be two more movies and according to the book there’s probably going to be a boat and car up for grabs next time Lol just play fair and leave the rest to fate “Win some you lose some!”
      Good Luck!

    • Chandler says:

      why r u spazzing out about a little game

    • Niqui says:

      @ Alice. For awhile I thought the same as you that each time I clicked on a fork that it would send me someplace else. Then I finally got to the end and decided to try and find a shorter route, and when I did it in 11 I decided to map it out to make sure I did it correctly. The map I did proved that the forks aren’t turning you around. They end up at the same place everytime. Also I don’t think you can get it in less than 11 forks because the last 5 forks can only be reached through the previous fork. Think about it people and use logic. Without a doubt I believe that 11 is the shortest route. Especially because there are clues that point to 11 through out the game. Lost in Forks is spelled with 11 letters. There are 11 people at the campfire. The graduation party is held on the 11th. There are 11 hidden clues/easter eggs. Eleven is the number that I am sticking with. Also you people have to remember that this is only the first stage of the game and the second stage will be harder. Doesn’t anyone remember the last volvo game for New Moon. That game was so damn easy. So for all those that got 11 congrats you probably did it.

    • Marie says:

      You are griping about time it takes to play the game and you just spent a crap load of time writing about it. I played the game cause I could use a new car. I have 3 young toddlers and I am a stay at home Mom. I can only dream of owning a Volvo. And if I want to play the game, it’s my choice. Get off your high horse and get over it. Oh, and I am a finalist too!!!

  2. Dianne says:

    The battle scene is right @ the red truck fork (not the bar) and left @ the next (red eyes) fork…click over the top of the rock.

  3. Alice says:

    I will say that for those who think there are no clues at La Push you’re wrong there are at least two. Also, there are real forks in the game, wondered about the anybody found 3 forks question

  4. tina says:

    i found jasper LLRL

  5. JJ says:

    At the shops… doesn’t it seem logical to take the “Jewelery and Antiques” fork? I know it doesn’t work … but I”m not getting why “Late Night Bar” and “Frames” shops are the more logical choice.

    What’s in the book/movie to support the “Late Night Bar” / ‘Frames” choice? I’m stumped. Other than the blinking “Open” sign… I can’t figure out that move.

    Also found the helmet in the spot with the fire danger sign… haven’t found Bella’s backpack or three forks. Yet.

  6. Alice says:

    You’re right Isadora there is an 11 fork way to get to the Cullens no disputing that. All I’m saying is I don’t think it is the shortest. That is what Volvo wants you to believe. I’ve played their games with POTC movies and they are way more difficult. They simply wouldn’t make it this easy. What I can tell you is that you and many others are looking at the Big picture instead of the details. Like the fact that no one, absolutely no one has mentioned the clues at La Push but they’re there. Because everyone is looking so globally at the picture that they can’t find them. Your last comment summed up my opinion, “Just play fair.

    • tina says:

      i have yet to see la push is that the camp fire scene??? I also found the helmet and sign .. found jasper still have not scene a back pack any one know the signifagance of the cheast at the campfire

    • JJ says:

      I’ve moused over pretty much every pixel at the La Push beach, but I don’t see anything at all. Can you give us a hint – left, right, up, down, water, sky, debris?

  7. Elle says:

    What is significant about the house number 206?

  8. KH says:

    206 is Edward Cullen’s birthday backwards…..

  9. Alice says:

    JJ – Has nothing to do with mousing over the screen. Instead, try the two larger rocks. Another thing, if you go to the campsite sign page and wait for a bit there are three vertical things in the tree on the right that light up. If you click on the 2nd or 3rd it will take you to another screen proving that there are shortcuts although unfortunately, this one doesn’t make the route any shorter. I’ve found others too but whether or not they will work seems to depend on what else you may have done or not done, in the game.

  10. Alice says:

    It’s like I said, everyone keeps looking at the BIG picture instead of the smaller aspects. Hasn’t anybody noticed all the writing all over the screens? Oh another item that will leap you to another page is at the stream, that’s all I’ll say on that one.

    • Lnz says:

      I looked at every inch of the picture with Victoria and the stream, and I did notice some things that made me wonder if they were clues. Could you give me a little more information on where this shortcut might be, or some kind of hint about it? Thanks, this game is really starting to get to me (:

  11. Alice says:

    Does anyone know what the number 6315 stands for?

    • Lnz says:

      i can see those numbers on the first page with the eclipse too. i don’t know what it means though…

    • nonexistant says:

      Alice, after your tyrant of a posting on 6-26, how can your “integrity” possibly allow you to even think to ask any questions? Let alone read the answers and use them to your advantage?

      Or are you playing a game of DISINFORMATION.

      to quote your 6-26 posting “……and I do think I can safely speak for you Jennifer), ” and ….. “As for the sarcastic comment that Ryan must have a computer that does what nobody elses computer does only shows ignorance.”

      May I recommend you go back and reread postings B4 you VENT….

      and on 6-30 you post …
      “No need to leave nasty comments Mallory”

      So your 6-26 posting was all Happy, Please, Thank you, Smiley Face ????!

  12. Rachel says:

    Alice, I’ve been staring at the ‘Campsite’ screen for like 20 minutes and I haven’t seen the vertical things you’re talking about, BUT I did notice something else that looks like a clue-EXTREMELY subtle, in the place you said to see the three vertical things…any chance you know what I’m talking about?

    • Rachel says:

      I also think I’ve seen some very subtle clues in the beach scene as well, but I didn’t know if I was losing it from looking at it for too long…

  13. Lnz says:

    I am desperately trying to look at the big picture here, and so far i have found some things that I had not noticed before like numbers in the trees and what seems to be a ladder. But I cant find these shortcuts!!! It’s driving me absolutely mad! I found the Cullens house in 11 forks, but from playing all these Volvo games since POTC I know it must be harder than it seems. Please someone help me with these “shortcuts” so I can find a quicker way. Please (:?

    My e-mail is, thanks so much!

  14. T says:

    I think at this point, people might just be messing with you.

  15. Jason says:

    I found the solution. It takes some time but if you are persistant and map it out you can find it

  16. Alice says:

    Sorry for the confusion, it’snot the campsite itself, it’s the campsite road the one with the sign that says campsite on the left. If you look straight down the road on the left actually, my bad, that is where you will see the three things that light updown the face of the tree you can’t miss it seriously. And nobody is playing with anybodys head “T”, go to the la push beach and magnifiiy the screen on the rocks and the log, one rock says to map the stream I forget the other one, you wouldn’t see them if you keep looking at the BIG picture, it’s the details you have to look for, they’re there. Also on eclipse page upper left high up corner you’ll see 4 numbers, they’re significant too as are the letters and numbers within the pictures themselves, like I said little picture not BIG picture.

    • kim says:

      Hi Alice and everyone.

      I must say, I think that I’ve had more fun, and gotten more laughs reading all the comments posted here, than I have playing the game. That said, Alice, I was just wonedering: since you seem to have cracked a lot of the puzzle codes, have you been able to reach the Cullen house in less than eleven forks?

  17. Alice says:

    Actually it says map river because there is stuff around the river as well. This whole map thing is just a diversion.

  18. JJ says:

    Alice – you must have some awesome vision. On the Eclipse page (start page), all I see in the upper left is black – no matter what I do. I did a print screen of the page, put it into Powerpoint, lightened it, increased contrast… still no numbers.

    And I don’t know how to magnify the screen. Is that part of Windows/Explorer? Or are you on a Mac? What’s the keystroke for magnifying in IE?

    And on the campsight sign road… that tree that lights up on the left side… when I click on it, I go to the same place I go when I click elsewhere on the left. No change.

    I think we should do something useful toward round 2, assuming some of us make it to round 2. How about answering all those questions that scroll across the bottom? That would be helpful. Is Edward at the Cullen house? There is someone in the black Volvo… I would vote for Jasper, but I can’t see that clearly. The two people outside the front door – Rosalie and what looks like Quil, to me. What do you think? Inside? Who’s at the Cullen house? Clearly it’s the gradulation party (flashing lights, loud music) so anyone could be there.

  19. Alice says:

    Yes that’s true however what it shows is that there are more ways to travel through forks than just your left and right options. About the numbers I can say I didn’t notice it in the beginning and was wondering if it was something that showed up as a direct result of going through it several times. If you don’t get through round one, cuz 11 isn’t the answer, then the questions are irrelevant. I used the automatic magnifier on Windows 7 and there is SO much stuff hidden in these pics its ridiculous. It’s like that magazine when we were kids where you have to find the missing items – unbelieveable. And since everyone said that there were no clues at La Push, the two on the rocks and one on the log should put and end to that.

  20. Alice says:

    JJ How about has anybody gotten 3 forks? There are literal forks, eating utensils in the pics too, 3 on one page so I’m assuming that is the one they’re referring to. It’s the one in the woods, real dense thicket type woods. Also on that page in upper left corner what looks like a spider web but moves back and forth, those are letters up there. There is something I found on one page that syas to look for the “hole” and on that same page to the left of center about half way down three words one below the other “A Tree Hole”, no joke try and find it for yourslef. Sometimes its the way you look at the screen like those pictures where you look one way and see a a vase and look another way and see two people kissing. Also where the sunlight streams across the ground of the right fork those are letters too but I’ve yet to figure that whole one out.

  21. Alice says:

    the tree hole is on the same 3 forks page, in the woods with the footprints,

  22. Alice says:

    Does anyone know how to add a pic on here? I copies eclipse page w/numbers and others but dont’ know how to put them up on here.

  23. kimsmum says:

    Hi Alice
    I have found the house in 11 forks and am now confused. I can’t see any of the things you are explaining – tree holes, real forks, stuff by the river and on the beach. My zoom doesn’t work and the screen is so dark I can’t even see the mailbox in the sunset screen let alone what’s on it. The only three forks I can see are in the clues on the ticker tape. However check out the silhouettes to the right of the window in the Cullen house. With your phenominal vision and better screen resolution, maybe you can say whether it is Edward and Carlisle or just my wishful thinking. I have bounced from 1 scene to another a few times but that was just before the program crashed so I don’t think they are shortcuts. The Where’s Edward competition for New Moon was pretty straight forward with lots of people getting thru’ the 1st round, I’m hoping this is the same as I’ve got no chance of finding the shortcuts.

  24. Alice says:

    why don’t you change your contrast and brightness on your monitor

    • Frank says:

      Alice, i’m sorry but I just dont believe anything you are saying. Unless I can see one screen shot i will have to assume you are posting information someone else is feeding you. Its one thing to post the answers but to post clues that dont exist. If all that you say is true then you should be the winner of this contest.


      People, if you dont see a screen shot, dont believe it.

  25. Rachel says:

    Do you think if I go on the website on my projector on the wall it would be big enough for me to see the clues? It’s like a 150 inch screen…I have a mac and I don’t know how to use an automatic magnifier…I tried the zoom in the browser (safari and firefox) and that’s useless…

  26. JJ says:

    For those of you with Windows, the magnifier can be found under:

    All Programs –> Accessories –> Ease of Use (Windows Vista)


    Programs –> Accessories –> Accessibility –> Magnifier (Windows XP)

    Those are the only two versions of Windows I have access to… but you should be able to find the Magnifier under “Accessories” in any version. Or “Ease of Access.”

  27. JJ says:

    Alice, You are amazing me! If nothing else, you’re keeping me busy looking for these things. I figured the “three forks” was literally 3 eating utensils. I haven’t found them yet… but will see if I can using your help.

  28. Rachel says:

    So I used the magnifier AND did it on the projector on the wall. I suppose, Alice, I can see where you might think it says map river or whatever in the beach scene, but even up to like 16x zoom I personally felt like it was reaching…I’m about to check out the tree hole one, and I didn’t find anything on the eclipse screen either. Quite intersting though, I tried inverting the colors and everything it its cool, and I feel like if I really wanted to find things, I could, but I wasn’t seeing them…

  29. Alice says:

    If there was a way to put a pic on here I would. and w/ my puter it isn’t difficult I just use the magnifier


    • Frank says:


      why dont you just tell folks how many forks it took you to get to the cullen house because if its not less than 11 then the clues are useless. nobody is asking you to post the path, just give us the number.

  30. Alice says:

    Frank, go up top of this page to the lost in forks trailer where they have a screenshot. Look at the little piece of V-shaped sky on the right and tell me you can’t see the 3 4 5 right in the middle of it, and that’s without any magnification and not even my screenshot.

    JJ, the 3 forks are on that same mossy jungle like page on right fork, one is gold two are silver/pewter. Showed it to a friend today and he picked it out right away. It’s on the ground toward right edge of the path, gold

    • Lnz says:

      i think i see what you are talking about with the one gold fork. i still dont see the other two silver/pewter forks. are they close to the gold one? just out of curiosity have you made it to the cullens house in less than 11 forks? ive only gotten there in 11, i cant seem to find any of the shortcuts. do you know of any? thanks!!! (:

  31. kim says:

    Hi Alice:

    Thanks to JJ; I was able to magnify the pictures and tried to find the extras that you’ve listed. I couldn’t. What’s more, I don’t see the numbers that you say are in the above screenshot. I looked. I called in a pair of ‘more efficient’ eyes. Neither one of us could see any numbers. I suppose they’re there, if you say so. But honestly, I’ve tried to find all the things you’ve listed; but I just don’t see them.

  32. kim says:

    BTW Alice:

    Have you been able to get to the Cullen house in less than eleven forks; in light of the fact that you’ve got different ways to navigate the game?

  33. JJ says:

    OK… I can make out a gold and a silver fork along the edge of the path. Had to put the picture into Photoshop and brighten, enlarge, sharpen… my eyes clearly aren’t as good as yours, Alice! They’re tiny and in a row along the edge of the right path in the “footprints” fork … one of the silver forks is in the patch of sunlight that darkens/brightens while you’re on the page. The gold fork is the biggest … at least I think so!

    So I’d say I’m seriously screwed for round 2, if I make it in, given that I need all these tools and help and time to find things! LOL…

    OK… that implies that Bella’s backpack, Jacob’s house and the treaty are in there somewhere. SOMEWHERE!

  34. JJ says:

    OK. I did a basic Google on “Jacob’s house Twilight” and got a pictue of the house before it was colored red. Also this video clip. Is this the same building that’s in the fork with the cop car on the right? What do you think?

  35. kimsmum says:

    Hi JJ. thanks for the clip of Jacob’s house. I think it has to be the same because of the boats and tree stumps but I can’t find anything on the page that is an extra clue or a shortcut. The rules and ‘how to play” sections state the players have to use deductive reasoning and move L / R- that does not suggest there shortcuts , so how come I can find people saying they have done this in less than 11 forks?? Are we being wound up??

  36. kim says:

    JJ and kimsmum;

    Just had a thought. In the first and second movies, you see Bella’s backpack once per movie:
    In the first movie, she’s going into it when she turns away from Edward; in the school parking lot- remember? She has it on the hood of her truck.

    In the second movie, she has it with her when she heads off into the woods to try and ‘connect’ with Edward. She’s in the war field when she comes across the vampire…I can’t remember his name. Anyway, maybe her backpack can be found somewhere in one of those two screens…around her truck, or in the warfield… just a thought.

    • Rachel says:

      You also see Bella’s backpack in the lunch room when she is longing after Edward in New Moon.
      You also see Bella’s backpack when she’s doing homework and Jacob won’t talk to her in New Moon.

  37. mallory says:

    Alice i think you are retarded. everyone… including myself has looked for these clues and have not found them. have you even gotten to the cullens in less than 11 moves… doubt ittttttttttttt

  38. Anna says:

    So simple to figure out. All you have to do is break out some paper and a pen, go to every fork, write down where a left turn and a right turn will take you from each one, then once you get to the Cullen house just map the route backwards with the fewest amount of turns. Very easy, but still a entertaining.

  39. Tracy says:

    Couldn’t people just be reading to much into this game? Why couldn’t it just be the choice of Left or Right? As for these people who claim to have made it in less than 11 forks, thats bull. Noone can seem to back that up, nor have they even tried!

  40. Alice says:

    No need to leave nasty comments Mallory. If someone would tell me how to put a pic on here I would gladly do so. Have asked several times but to no avail. Perhaps it is all very superficial but from my 5x experience having done this with volvo and movies POTC 3x and this twiglight twice, it is never that simple. Believe what you like.

    • notawinyet says:

      With participating in all those previous competitions, and as observant as your postings SEEM you to be and NOT a winner? How is that possible?

  41. Alice says:

    BTW they also ask in one of the questions on the ticker are those smoke signals? Maybe you should check those out. Obviously they ask the question for a reason both at the bar scene upper left at fork in the road with cabin going to campfire scene

  42. Rachel says:

    Alice, in the above screen shot of the trailer, I honestly do not see the 3, 4, 5…I even turned my laptop upside down and examined it from every angle…

  43. Rachel says:

    Alice, can you upload a photo to and give us a link…that would REALLY help some people (myself included) that can’t seem to understand where you’re seeing these things…

  44. Samantha says:

    Alice-will you stop avoiding this question-how many forks has it taken you to get to the cullen house exactly?

  45. Heather says:

    This is aggravating me so bad. I have been looking and drawing maps for 3 hours and I still haven’t found the Cullen house. Where do I need to look????

  46. Heather says:

    found it! 🙂 in 11.

  47. kimsmum says:

    Thanks for the reply Kim. The only backpack I think I can see is in the blue diner scene, on Bella’s back??? ( in front of the truck). Someone has said it is high up on the left in the lake scene but this could be the volturi necklace. “Wolfpack18″ on the following site says he has found the house in 9 ( comment 156) and offers up a set of clues that spell ‘Bella is the key” but they don’t make sense to me. I am playing this game in the Uk and wonder am I missing some US double meanings?

    • kim says:


      If something is high on the left in the lake scene; it’s not the necklace. That’son the left side in one of the road scenes.

  48. Frank says:

    Maybe only the first 50 people who found it in 11 forks can participate in the final phase..if thats the case then why even play anymore LOL.

    • readtherules says:

      ” In the event that two (2) or more Entrants complete the First Phase in the lowest number of forks (as determined by the Sponsor), then those Entrants who tie for the lowest number of forks will be deemed finalists (“Finalists”) (subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules) and will advance to the Final Phase.”

  49. Cricket says:

    Ok. I magnified and messed with color contrast can’t find the number’s. Not worried about it though. ALICE all you have to do it post the picture it link it up hun. put it on photobucket or well anything really even your myspace, just make sure it’s a decent enough size. That way that argument can be over with. Secondly, would mind telling us how many fork’s it took you? You’ve been asked numerous time’s but seem to refuse to answer. Thank you so much.

  50. Antonina says:

    how the heck do I do this!?!?! I can’t figure out how to get anywhere!!!! I can’t get to the house. All I find is the stupid bulldozer and the 2 wolves in the trees! any help here??

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