Volvo’s Lost in Forks Campaign
Jun 22nd, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsVolvo has a new game called “Lost in Forks” on their website. By trying to reach the Cullen’s house in the shortest number of forks in the road, you can be entered to win a Volvo like the one Edward drives in Eclipse (Volvo XC60)! Click here to play!
Yes Kim, it can be done in 3 forks. Not sure if I posted it there but I think I did. I asked WP18 about something just today but also posted the 3 forks thing the other day after WP18 said it could be done in 9. Thanks for your well wishes and if you’d like to give me YOUR email, I’d be happy to go through it with you. Then you’ll be prepared for Breaking Dawn Volvo give away.
Alice–I’ve been struggling with this since the 22nd, have written out directions and clues, struggled through the WP clues and am still lost. Would you please e-mail me at Please make sure in the subject line you mention the Lost In Forks Campaign so I know it’s you. I’d really appreciate it. I don’t anticipate winning the car, but I’d like to make it to the next round. Thank you!
Alice –
I must tell you that I am really impressed. I’ve been following you on this website for a while and haven’t posted until now because I wanted to figure it out on my own. I believe every word you have said. Wolfpack’s comments have been helpful to me, but I haven’t been able to solve them all. My little sister and I have been up for 4 hours this morning trying to figure this out. Here is my last effort to win this car for my family. If you get this before 10 PT, please email me.
Alice (or wolfpack18), I would very much appreciate it if you could please help me through this. I just want to see just how complex this game is so that I can be prepared for the breaking dawn contests. My email is:
Hey Alice 🙂
I’ve been reading your posts and I think it’s believeable that there is a trick to it or some kind of shortcut, I’ve exhausted my “map” and my mouse from clicking so much. I would appreciate it so much if you would maybe explain your shortcuts and reasonings and stuff by emailing me 🙂 – could you put Lost in Forks in the subject line please?
Thank you so much – your tips have been very helpful and I’ve was trying to figure out those clues from Wolfpack18 but some of them are just so hard to interpret!!
no there is no way it can be done in three forks ittakes exactly 11 forks to get there.
First, Alice disparages people in the 6-26 posting, then Alice or various versions of Alice, starts posting helpful hints, and asking questions to get help for herself (albeit perceived), then gets help for herself (albeit perceived), then gets ALOT of people to give her and everyone reading these posts THEIR e-mail address! UNBELIEVEABLE!
Apparently Alice cannot be doubted.
Well, everyone is entitled to their own opnion. Of course, using this form of communication, being ‘safe’ about the information one discloses is iffy at best.
However, I can say that Alice did not have to extend the offer to help, whether here or by email. I think it was more than generous of her. If she got help as well, what’s wrong with that? Quid pro quo.
From what I’ve read, both here and on the other chatsite, Alice didn’t ask for the help that enabled her to figure out the answer. Wolfpack18 posted clues of his/her own accord. Alice was just smart enough to figure them out. Good for her.
So how did Alice HELP you? Did you get to the Cullens in less then 11 forks? If you can’t say yes or you won’t say yes, that you have made it to the Cullens in less than 11 Forks, then you were conned…… in my opinion.
Please Help!! I have tried since the start and I’ve only got there in 11 forks. Could someone please tell me how to get there in 3. I can’t get the clues Thanks!!
Alice please email this is killing me. If you actually made in 3 I would greatly appreciate knowing how. I can’t figure this round I don’t stand a change in round 2, email me if you can @ Just really very curious.
Alice, I have been playing this game non-stop for the past week and i still can’t get below 11. I have read all your posts, as well as wolfpack18’s which have helped, but If there is any way you can e-mail me with more clues or shortcuts that would be greatly appreciated. 🙂
My e-mail is:
Alice, I have been reading all of the posts on this website since the beginning of the contest. Many of your clues have helped me, but i was hoping that you could email me some more shortcuts,clues, etc. Just what ever might help me in anyway. Please and Thank You. My email is
Ok, well, at this point, I have completely given up on any hope of actually winning this thing, but Alice, if you would be so kind as to e-mail me, at this point for me it’s just curiosity that’s getting me. I just want to know how to do it. E-mail is Thanks 🙂
Oh, my, goodness…It is 6:23 a.m where i am at, and i have yet to go to sleep…i am desperate to make sure that i am right. I have tried everything that I know of. If there are any last minutes clues or ANYTHING to help me, let me know please..I have a strange feeling that i won’t sleep until i know least to know if i am wrong. If you want to, email me at:
Alice – please help me out:
have only been able to do 11.
I have been trying for about 3-4 hours every day since it opened and can only get to 11 (I have a MAC and cannot seem to magnify the pages to see most of the clues you posted)
any ideas?
“bella is the key” is 13 letters, house number is 184 or 1+8+4=13.
did’nt the sign at the bar says graduation party saturday june 11 2010 8pm but june 11 was a friday.
any ideas?
Alice has abandoned you…
Well, I was able to find the numbers on the eclipse screen, and the “map river” at La Push. Also found the 3 forks, and I saw several other things that Alice mentioned, I just can’t figure out what to do with any of it. Oh well, 15 mins left in the game and I think I’ll just be glad when I don’t have to sit here for hours looking at it. Though I do hope that Volvo will leave the game up to let us keep playing, like I said earlier, it’s more curiosity for me now than anything else.
I have spent about the last 24 hours or more emailing and talking to ppl on the phone and don’t appreciate the negativity. My email inbox was exploding and I’m sorry that I could not reach everyone. As for me I’ve had about 3 hours sleep and I’m going to take a nap.
Hey Alice;
There are always gonna be naysayers, no matter what you do there will always be somebody that doesn’t like it. I think you should be proud that you cared enough to take the time to try and help. Most others wouldn’t.
As far as giving away the answer goes…how would it help your chances if you did that? If folk can’t figure out the clues, and you try and point them (me included) in the right direction; and they (we) still don’t get it…well, that’s not your fault.
I don’t know if I made the cut or not. But, I hope you did, and what’s more, I hope you win the car.
Good Luck and God Bless.
Hey, hit us back, and let everyone know how you did, o.k.? 🙂
Did Alice, or Did she NOT, tell you, she made it to the Cullens in less than 11 forks? A simple yes or no will do.
Yeah, dude. She did.
Why are you so worried abt what Alice did? What did U do? Did you make it in eleven or less?
and if you did…or didn’t…and have managed to make it to round two…well good luck to you as well.
If I were anyone who left their e-mail on this site (and I would NEVER do that), I would change it to a totally new e-mail, unless of coarse it’s the e-mail you used to enter the contest… then you can’t until after the end of phase II of the contest. Be interesting to see what kind of e-mails you get that you never got B4.
I don’t care about what Alice says, I dont believe her, I dont trust her. I want to know what you say, Kim…. did she tell you how to make it to the Cullens in less than 11 forks???
Based on your NONANSWER, answer, you have already told me your answer is NO.
See you in phase II. Cuz it is 11.
I have checked the site and the barrier is up. The game is closed. Please could anyone who got thru tell me how they did it.
I have been going nuts trying to get less than 11 to no avail. If you do want to share your methods please can you do it step by step as I still haven’t worked out the clues given by Alice and wolf pack!!!!
When it is all over do you think the organisers would let everyone else have a go at the 2nd stage? It might be fun.
To idontbelieveit:
Chill out. Whether she gave out the answer or just tried to point folk in the right direction….you didn’t HELP or try to. Again, she never said she would dole out the answer…how would that help her chances of winning?
If you don’t trust or believe Alice, well, great. That’s fine. There’s no need to attack what she did or tried to do. And. As you can see, after you posted your original objections, folk kept right on posting their email addresses. So I guess maybe they weren’t worried. That’s their perrogative…isn’t it?
I suspect that even if you did have the ‘less than eleven forks” answer, you wouldn’t try and help anyone figure it out.
Eleven, three, four, nine, ten; however many forks it took, here’s hoping we all made the cut.
Good Luck Everyone.
Hi Kim,
obviously people with eleven forks won’t make the cut if you finished with less than than. Since the game is now over, could you please tell us what was your less-than-11-path 😉 ?
Kim… I’m chilled…. I’m cool…. I’m cold. I’m a VAMPIRE…. heh heh ……. I did help, way in the beginning. You just don’t know my name.
I would have gone about it a different way, instead of people sending Alice their e-mail address (and I believe people volunteered them for the most part), Alice could have set up a separate new e-mail address, only for “Find the Forks” e-mails, then posted that new e-mail address, then everyone could e-mail that box. That way everyone’s e-mail could stay anonymous except that “Find the Forks” new e-mail address belonging to Alice. Alice did say and I can’t quote her exactly but something like…. be prepared to tell me everything you know. I asked myself Why?
She still gets alot of e-mail addresses, maybe some pertinent, some not pertinent information, but alot of e-mail.. sound like she did anyway. Whatever.
What is also curious is that no one else seems to be speaking with you? Where is everyone else who gave her their e-mail address?
Why aren’t they posting?
It’s none of my business and I don’t care what she told you or anyone else….. it’s the credibility of the postings I question.
I’m just suspicious, it’s my nature. It’s about the tactic used in the sucession of postings.
Read back thru them, at one point you even questioned the postings.
I don’t mean to be hard on you. You seem like a nice person. Lessons Learned to be sure.
Good Luck to you and to all.
For what you’re saying. Why noone else is speaking up for Alice? I dunno, frankly, I wondered the same…. can’t speak for others.
I just hope that WE ALL
For what you’re saying. Why noone else is speaking up for Alice? I dunno, frankly, I wondered the same…. can’t speak for others.
I just hope that WE ALL made it through.
And may the best….man/woman…win.
After working on this for a week and being on all night I had thrown in the towel and accepted my 11 forks this morning. Because my curosity got the best of me I emailed Alice this morning and she was very generous in answering my questions.
You people need to wise up especially kim.. the contest is over and u still havent told the rest of these people how u did it or what number u did it in… seems to me ur telling lies and made it in 11 why behave like that! get a grip of urself!!!! if u honestly did it in less than 11 tell them what route you took or what this ‘alice’ supposedly told you because i don’t think she told you anything and your trying to act bigger than you are. So do everyone a favour and either tell them that you didnt do it under 11 or tell them what you did and how many forks you made it in,,,, bet you dont tell them id say im surprised but id be lying because ill bet a volvo on it you wont 🙂
John, did you know that in the event of a tie, the tie breaker is a written ESSAY…
“Essay Judging: All eligible tie-breaking essays received by Sponsor will be judged by a panel of qualified judges based equally on the following criteria: originality, creativity, grammar, and clarity of expression. The essay with the highest score, as determined by Sponsor and judges in their sole discretion, will be deemed the Grand Prize winner, subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules. ”
You’d better start brushing up!
Hey Freddy.
Well, we’re not the game officials, are we? So, we don’t really know if eleven is the magic number, or what, do we? All we can do is wait by our email boxes with baited breath…
BUT, if I were an official, I’d let eleven be the baseline entry point, because it keeps more players in the game…and of those, most probably got in on a humble (googled the answer) so they won’t be able to figure out the next, more difficult phase anyway.
Did I get less than eleven forks? Hmmm… The world may never know…. 😉
See Ya at the finish line.
If I had finished in less than 11, I would be very pleased to tell everybody what was the solution once the game is finished since it doesn’t matter anymore. I can then conclude that you haven’t finish in less than 11 forks (specially since you are conting on seeing me on the finish line 😉 ).
For the officials, they created a buzz with this first session and it’s kind of over now (except me writing here). So it doesn’t matter if they send 5 people or 5000 in the second second part (which will only lasts 2 days and aims at choosing 1 finalist) and I don’t see why they would send people with 11 forks in final if some other finished in 3 or 9 forks (I would be upset if I was one of them).
I will now impatiently wait for Alice to see what she can tell us.
Well, I don’t think that ‘the buzz’ is over quite yet…if it was, nobody would be posting. “The buzz” will be over when the winner drives away with the car…doncha think? 😉
Let’s face it, the thousands of people who where hooked by the game are not going to get much excited now that it’s is kind of over. There is nothing to do but wait for an email and the name of the final winner.
BTW, I think that it was an excellent strategies from the “game officials” to keep us interesed by letting us believe that an alternative solution existed.
I am siding with ” Idontbelieveit” I tried my best with the game and did NOT look at the posts beforeI played. I am not in the finals- never played before- I believe that the best person to figure all this out will win. I really would like the chance to replay my moves
and find these hidden clues~ Is rlrlrllrrr correct? – or will someone who is in the finals let us know how may forks got them to the finals & how they found & followed the clues!
I did it in 11 forks, but no email “inviting” me to the finals? If you get to the contest through the game is still up on there, with a “live chat” on each of the forks that I don’t remember seeing before? If someone did make it under 11- just please tell us “losers” how the heck you did it and what number of forks you got it done in 🙂 thank you
“Notification of Finalists: Potential Finalists will be notified via email on or about July 8, 2010 and will be required to participate in the Final Phase to be eligible for the opportunity to win the Grand Prize.”
Even though you won’t be eligible to win the car, the UK game site is open and looks to stay open until Aug 20th or so…
I’m still looking for a secret passage myself just because I can and it’s bugging me.
you might also want to check out this sight for other chat notes about the US game that expired yesterday.
i was just reading a post on and a girl who couldn’t play because her parents work for volvo said, that she got to play with it after and that volvo told some workers that 11 is the final route. yeah you guys might of got it under that, but im think that the gurl is telling the truth.
i played and i got 11 forks without looking on google or anything else for help. i tried to get there in 3 forks with every combination and its impossible. i think 11 forks is the shortest.
i think all the confusion is being caused by the fact that there is 1 spot where there r 3 forks in the road but the thing i dont get is that u couldnt use the third fork…hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Well, I got my confirmation email today at 1.42 pm est. Unfortunately, you have to accept a privacy policy, and cannot disclose any information pertaining to the final phase of the game. I hope to see a very few of you guys and/or gals there. Oh Yeah! My telling you I got the email doesn’t violate the non disclosure agreement. Good Luck!
Can you let us know how many forks it took you to get to the Cullen’s house though? That involved the first phase of the contest so I would think it would be okay. You can email me @ Daisees4Me@aol . com
I’d be interested in knowing that, too. Think it’d be alright if you posted it here? 🙂
Wait for it to come. Don’t Panic.
My guess is IF… IF… IF…. they started notifying people earlier than the rules say, it’s because there are a lot of e-mails they need to send out. My guess is when they start sending the e-mails out, they may send them out according to the “official time stamp” (their clock) on the 1st valid entry received by each individual registered player.
Don’t Panic. Wait for it to come.
my sister told me she did it in 4 :O she wouldnt tell me how, i mean i had done it in 11, even made a massive map with clues all over it. and she was like i went round it one, wrote out the clues and just memorized it ¬¬ grrrr
the point is does any body know when the finalists will be sent an email ? im sooooooo curious. i even made her check her mail box, but nothing yet.
can u tell us how many forks u got it in. its killing me not knowing if i made it or not.
really what is the shortest number of forks. the first round is over so it wont give anyone and advantage or be cheating or anything if u tell everyone the shortest route and even 2 go as far 2 tell us how u got there. a lot of ppl say 11 and thats wat i got but if theres a shorter way i would really really really like 2 kno out of pure curiosity.
Honestly, I don’t see why everyone is being so secretive about how many forks it took to get to the Cullen house. I made it in 11 forks which is pretty much the majority I do believe. If I do get an email that will be FANTASTIC and if I don’t then it just wasn’t meant to be. If I don’t get an email then I will never know how many forks it took and that is all I want to know – the correct amount of forks. Tomorrow is July 8th so…. email’s should be flooding like crazy. If someone does get an email, please let us know how many forks it took you to get the privilege of receiving one 🙂 And… congrats to you if you do receive one!
As soon as the contest is over, I will come back on here and tell you exactly how I got there. Unfortunately, the UK version of the contest is still running and uses the same route that the US version utilizes. I will tell you that it took more than 4 forks. I don’t want to take any risk that could blow my chance at the final phase. I am sorry, but until September 3, thats all the information I can give you. Go here if you would like to continue to try and figure it out, however US residents are not eligible to win this contest
Oh by the way, Did any of you get confirmation when you completed the first phase and after you submitted your email address. If not you had better check your spam filter.
well would u like 2 email me the route then?
got mine, but can’t read it:
Félicitations !
Vous avez été l’un des plus rapides à atteindre la maison des Cullen dans ‘Lost in Forks’, le jeu de Twilight. Résultat, vous voici à présent plus près que jamais de notre fantastique prix : 6 mois gratuitement au volant d’une Volvo XC60 robuste à souhait.
Avant d’en arriver là, nous vous demandons de prendre part à la seconde et ultime étape de notre concours. Au menu : trois questions à choix multiple. L’objectif est bien sûr que vous y répondiez correctement le plus vite possible. Vous ne pouvez participer qu’une seule fois et ce, du mardi 13 au mercredi 14 juillet inclus. Après quoi, le concours sera définitivement terminé. Alors, prêt pour la finale de Lost in Forks ? Cliquez ces prochains mardi et mercredi sur le lien ci-dessous et donnez aussi vite que possible une réponse exacte aux trois questions à choix multiple.
Le joueur qui aura répondu aux questions correctement et en un minimum de temps aura le droit de parader pendant 6 mois au volant de la Volvo XC60, une merveille d’élégance.
Debi, I translated this for you:
You were one of the fastest to reach the house of Cullen in ‘Lost in Forks’ Twilight of the game. Result, you are now closer than ever to our fantastic prize: 6 months free at the wheel of a Volvo XC60 robust wish.
Before coming here, we ask you to take part in the second and final stage of our contest. On the menu: three multiple-choice questions. The goal of course is that you answer correctly as soon as possible. You can only enter once and this, from Tuesday 13 to Wednesday, July 14 inclusive. After that, the competition will be finally over. Are you ready for the final Lost in Forks? Click the next Tuesday and Wednesday on the link below and provide as soon as possible an exact answer to the three multiple-choice questions.
The player who has answered the questions correctly and in a short time will have the right to parade for six months at the wheel of the Volvo XC60, a marvel of elegance.
You’re welcome! 🙂 & congratulations! I’m pretty sure I didn’t get to the Finals :/
In English:
You were one of the fastest to reach the house of Cullen in ‘Lost in Forks’ Twilight of the game. Result, you are now closer than ever to our fantastic prize: 6 months free at the wheel of a Volvo XC60 robust wish.
Before coming here, we ask you to take part in the second and final stage of our contest. On the menu: three multiple-choice questions. The goal of course is that you answer correctly as soon as possible. You can only enter once and this, from Tuesday 13 to Wednesday, July 14 inclusive. After that, the competition will be finally over. Are you ready for the final Lost in Forks? Click the next Tuesday and Wednesday on the link below and provide as soon as possible an exact answer to the three multiple-choice questions.
The player who has answered the questions correctly and in a short time will have the right to parade for six months at the wheel of the Volvo XC60, a marvel of elegance.
Only 6 months?? I must not have read things right. I was under the impression that it was yours forever. Also, I did see, well I thought I saw that the second phase would start on July 13th and end on the 15th, NOT the 14th. Something just doesn’t seem right at all… or is it just me?
debi – can you tell us how many forks it took you?
>10 and <12
oh wow, I’m going through the UK’s and I found victoria! I didn’t see her before
did anyone notice the “Masen” truck…that’s edward’s last name…
Guys, I really don’t think this email is legit. There are too many things that don’t match with the OFFICIAL RULES of the contest.
1) Why would someone be receiving an email in another language when the contest was in the UNITED STATES?
2) The contest ends on July 15th at 10 a.m. PST, not the 14th.
3) The official rules plainly state that the winner is to receive a Volvo. Nowhere in the rules does it state that you only get it for 6 months.
I think it is a sick joke to get someone’s hope up like that. Just sick and sad.
I was thinking the same thing after I read it. But I still wanted to know what it said lol
agreed with you that this is weird. but how would anyone get my email address?
Lost in Forks played (some are still open) in 15 different countries, not just the US. Each country had different prizes and some had different start and end dates. Many were in other languages (including French). Perhaps Debi’s Email was accidentally mixed in with another country’s entry pool. It sounds like her Email was from the Belgium contest where the prize was a 6 month Volvo lease.
Did you leave your e-mail address on this site for ALICE ??? Then everyone reading this site or any other site you left your e-mail address on saw it too and now knows it. Did you ask ALICE for help and give her your e-mail address ?? If you did how many other people/sites could she have given those e-mail address to ? (like referral friends???).
If you entered the contest with a specific e-mail address and your wating for the phase II e-mail invite you cannot change your e-mail from the one you used to enter the contest.
And calm down.
no, never left my email address anywhere but on the contest site.
does any1 else think that 11 forks ios that shortest and that there rnt any little shortcuts or anything ya i can see that there r a lot of clues 2 help u find the house and probibly 2 help u in the next round but i think there rnt any shortcuts y would volvo do that it would be unfair… most people would find it by just moving their mouse and just happening 2 come across out of pure luck… if there were shortcuts like that i dont think 2 many people would make it 2 the final round and it wouldnt b as interseting
hi did any 1 receive e-mail bout part 2 i deleted my e-mails without checking ooops
how many did u do it in?
I got 11 just like everyone else, but I’m with the majority that wonders if you got less then 11 and aren’t sharing your wisdom with the contest closed, is it legit? If you made it in less then 11 and can tell us how you did it, more power to you! I, honestly, don’t expect to get a ‘congrats’ letter, but I would like to cheer someone on as they speed to the finish line.
So whoever did get an email, how many forks did you get?
The email reads and I am going to ad-lib cause ia m typing on blackberry.
You recently entered the lost in forks contest, on our usa webiste.
This email is to confirm, that you have been selected as a finalist, and we invite you to enter the second phase of our contest.
Blah blah blah
Please follow the link below to accept our privacy agreement. Upon accepting the aggrement you will be emailed an invitation code, which you will need to log on to the game.
Blah blah blah
The privacy agreement has you verify eligibility and goes on to mention that upon winning you are responsible for any associated dealer fees tax tags license fees blah blah blah, nowhere did it mention only having it six months, but it does mention the the you cannot choose cash in liue of the prize.
I will tell you I got there in 8 forks, but that’s all you get from me till after the game.
And frankly I don’t care if you believe me or not.
Congrats to you on making it to the final phase….I didn’t think I’d make it there, so many people got there in 11 you know. I’ll keep checking back to this site for after the contest is done completely, I’d love to know how you got there in 8 forks. I’m patient I’ll wait np.
Great Luck to you in the final, I’ll look forward to seeing a photo op of you in your shiny new Volvo!
Ok everyone, I just got a REAL email from Volvo inviting me to do the final phase. I did the first phase in 11 forks.
Here is the email:
You found the shortest route to the Cullen House and are through to the final phase.
The final phase will begin on Tuesday July 13, 10:00 a.m. PT when the Lost in Forks Volvo Contest will be opened up again one last time, so you can face your final challenge.
The finalist who completes this in the shortest time (starting from when they press ), wins. And could drive away in a shiny new Volvo XC60, just like Edward’s.
You have until Thursday July 15, 10:00 a.m. PT to submit your entry.
Good luck!
Congrats, Kristen and idrivelikeacullen! I got one, too. And yeah, Freddy, I did the first phase in eleven forks.
Goood Luck to Everyone!
WOO HOO I got an email back for the final phase! How exciting =)
i got and e-mail 🙂