Volvo’s Lost in Forks Campaign
Jun 22nd, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsVolvo has a new game called “Lost in Forks” on their website.ย By trying to reach the Cullen’s house in the shortest number of forks in the road, you can be entered to win a Volvo like the one Edward drives in Eclipse (Volvo XC60)!ย Click here to play!
..not with mine. It’s letting me go through, but I’m not starting it yet.
Where do you live?
I can’t get through either!! ๐
did you guys get to the part where they ask you for your birthdate again?
Mine hasnt started either!!! Just sitting here waiting!! I’m in Missouri
@JJ I think it’s Rosalie and Alice outside and Carlisle and Edward inside but I can’t be sure.
@Chris the rules say the final phase is timed from the moment you press “ente”. You have to find the Cullen house again, watch a video clip and answer 3 questions on it. The person who does it in the quickest time wins. There is an essay write off if 2 or more tie.
@Hayley – I am playing in the UK. I got My email for 11 forks in the US contest and I even have uk in the address and haven’t been screened out yet ( although I can’t win the car as i live outside the 50 states). I started playing the US game before the UK version was even advertised. I played the “What drives Edward” competition for the New Moon film and didn’t realise there would be a separate game for different areas of the world for this new contest.
In the New Moon game Volvo used 2 mazes amongst other games. They changed the final maze slightly – adding letters, which forced a change of route. It too was a timed contest. Maybe there will be a similar change to the route this time. Keep your maps handy and watch out for Wolfpacks’ fork, he might not have been lying. Good luck to all of you stateside.
i’m a finalist but i can’t find the link in my email!!! WHERE IS IT!!!!!???? SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!
This is total BS! Mine still hasn’t started!! If it’s whoever completes it first then it’s totally not fair. And I’m on my lunch break! ARGH’s whoever completes it in the fastest time starting from when you press enter to when you finish the questions.
it’s not letting me through!!!!!!!!
me either, this is total crap
This isn’t fair, I agree!
I totally am writing Volvo! I mean at least let everyone have a fair shot! I wasted my time on the first phase for nothing!!!
It’s not who finishes first, it’s who finishes in the fastest time. You could do it on 15 July, be the quickest and win. That’s fair because some may not be able to do it exactly when the contest opens.
Good luck!
(I finished in less than 3 mins)
Is the link where it says “CLICK HERE to decide your destiny” ?
i’m a finalist and mine won’t work either :/ i hate that you can only do it once. it adds waaaaay too much pressure lol.
yes, you “click here” to decide your destiny. and it will take you to the page.
Total Crap. What state do you live in Amber???
I’m in Indiana, but they let me in a miniute ago, go through to the email they sent and reopen the link
Thanks Jaycee but it still wont let me through
What’s going on? I can’t start the final phase?!
okay theres a website where a bunch of other people are talking about how they cant do it either
What’s the website? Any answers?
Is anyone in Central time? I’m in Kansas City
Central time here as well….no game ;(
I live in Oklahoma, Central Time too! It should have started by now!
Central time zone area is getting screwed! Well I just wrote Volvo, but now have to go back to work. Good luck everyone, hope you get on soon
I’m on Central time (Texas) and I got through and started playing at 11:56 CT (making it 9:56 PT). I didn’t have any trouble playing the final phase at all.
But in the rules on, finalist have until July 15th to play the final part, so I’m sure that it’s not about who plays the game absolutely FIRST, just who (after the game closes) completes it the quickest.
Good luck to everyone out there!
are you guys at least making it to this page?
Nope. Not even that.
Don’t panic. In the New Moon games the site crashed and people couldn’t get on for 20 minuts or so. You have 2 days to play the final round. It is not the first to finish the phase this time. The winner will be the person who completes the final phase in the shortest time – from the time they press enter to the time they finish. Hundreds ( if not thousands of us got thru with 11 forks, by mapping out the route) so there might be quite a demand at the moment. Good Luck again.
Go to your email and reopen the link completly, it worked for me
Here in California and a NO GO!!!! it’s 10:35 already!! Notified Volvo.
I lost, I went through again to see if I answered the questions right and I missed one
Sorry to hear. ๐ At least you got to play.
awe :[ that sucks. was it the same route to the house?
I haven’t gotten mine either.. Just waiting here for it to start too!!1
I’m in Missouri!! I have a game to go to @ 5.. I hope they get it working soon.. Just been here all day on my computer…lol
I live in Louisiana and mine isnt working either.
12:37 pm here !! No go for me either!!!!
I just want to wish everyone GOOD LUCK!
yes good luck everybody!! does anybody know if the route is the same back to the cullen house? im hearing different things
you only get one chance
I am impatient…. lol I think they like us being like this.. All just going crazy waiting for it to start!!!
I have no clue about the route till the game starts!! But good luck to everyone….MAY THE FASTEST PERSON WIN!!!!! =)
I am on the east coast and it has not started yet….Just waiting…it is 1:42 here
Thanks Amber!
what about the questions?
You’re an idiot for giving the answer Amber.
mine and my husbands worked just fine. we live in ohio!
Erin– Isn’t it CHEATING to have you and your husband both enter???? One of you gets to see the questions and the correct answers before the other tries! Cheaters…. that’s all I have to say
I dont really think they would just 1 person in!!! I think ur just messing with us. ! It wouldnt be far too do that. We all have to get the same start!!
It isn’t cheating and He did his in one room and I did my own. Despite some couples we are extremely competitive. So we both tried on the first phase and got in. I don’t know how that is cheating. Wow so quick to judge people. I have not cheated at any point in this competition and neither has my husband. We got to the final phase by the rules unlike most people who just looked up the answers on the site. Thank you very much. Name calling is just childish.
I’m scared to leave my computer.. lmao!!!! It might start while I ‘m not here!!!
Are the three questions directly from the movie?
how many tries do you have?
Erin!!! Youve played the game already? Or are you talkin bout somethin else?????
Yes, I played it as soon as it opened.
Still nothing!! =(
Is there anyone else that also lives in SoCal pacific time. Because I’ve tried everything and there’s still nothing. ๐ Volvo you’ve done it again….
I’ve been on my computer since 6 am!! They haven’t done anything!! Cause the 1st phase I thought I didnt get it. Cause I had the wrong time!
I was just wandering why Volvo would open it for certain people, but shouldn’t it be for everyone all at once …..That is kinda strange
It’s overloaded because everyone thinks they need to be first to finish, but you have to be quickest. When you start doesn’t matter, it’s how quickly you do it.
Well does it tell you how fast you finished?
no but I set my own timer and I got 42.34 seconds. ( You have to skip the intro, click through really fast, have the thirty second wait, and type your info in quickly.
this is gay
No, the questions aren’t trivia. They have you look at a scene for thirty seconds, then it blacks out and they ask you stuff like: what color is this, how many people were in “blank”, was this here or there. (sorry I am not posting the actual questions, because I don’t think it’s fair.)
Can someone give me the link to play please? The link I have wont do anything and I have no clue where to find the link
Are you a finalist Megan? ‘Cause if not you won’t be able to win.
good girl :]
why must volvo torture us so!
This is bs!! They should wait till everyone is able to get on!! there’s no way the ones that are still here can be the first ones done. if we havent even got on yet!! UNFAIR
Oh! ok…thought it was stuff directly from the movie. I also would NOT want the answers! No fun in that! Just love to play the game…but a nice bonus to win “THE CAR!!” ๐
Good attitude! Good luck!
Amber does it tell you how fast you did it in?
Yes I am Amber I have my e-mail and everything it’s just not letting me into the link for the game.
Did the one I posted work?
Nope I tried it too and NOTHING…..I am so frustrated…
I have been waiting since the time it was suppose to start for an hour now I have been waiting and NOTHING……..