Volvo’s Lost in Forks Campaign

Jun 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Volvo has a new game called “Lost in Forks” on their website.ย  By trying to reach the Cullen’s house in the shortest number of forks in the road, you can be entered to win a Volvo like the one Edward drives in Eclipse (Volvo XC60)!ย  Click here to play!

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676 Comments to “Volvo’s Lost in Forks Campaign”

  1. moonbaby says:

    i live in pikeville ky mine started at 1:40 got it done

  2. Megan says:

    No it just keeps saying congratulations.

  3. CHANTEL says:


  4. CHANTEL says:


  5. Emmy says:

    I got to play about 30mins is now 1pm Central time..I guess too many people tried getting on the to the site all at one time probably overloaded it and thats why it took so long to get to it to play. Keep trying you’ll get thru just have a lil patience I know it is hard when you so overly excited..I’m just now coming off my Rush of excitment…..I’m just thankful I made this far into the game. Our house burned in Jan and I lost all my books and I’ve been really down but getting to play this game helped bring my hopes back up. GOOD LUCK to Everyone!!!! You’ll can Do it!!

  6. moonbaby says:

    got every one right dont know how fast thought

  7. CHANTEL says:

    ok.. keep redoing it

  8. moonbaby says:

    any one know how many people are playing

  9. Angela says:

    Im aggravated now… I cant understand why its not opening. It still says closed to come back, but the game has supposedly been open for an hour. No ones answers are helping.. I have gone back to the email a thousand times.. It still not letting me in and im in Florida, and its now 2:10 pm..

    • Heidi says:

      Angela- I live in Florida too and I havent been able to get on since 1pm I think there opening it by state or something so its not too crowded. But think of it this way let everyone else make the mistakes of being first and learn from theres and it will open up eventually ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Emmy says:

      keep trying it took me 30mins to get thru to play…just keep rechecking/refreshing your page. Thats all I did and it went thru after a long wait.

  10. moonbaby says:

    can you keep redoing it or do they just pick your first 1 entry

  11. CHANTEL says:

    i dont know exactly!! but i keep redoin it! to see if i can get faster

    • Emily says:

      @ Heidi & Angela: Thanks for the sharing! I’ve recently lost my job, no prospects, and moved back home with my parents. ๐Ÿ™ I could definitely use a win here! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Grace says:

      you can only do it once.. if you read the rules, it says that all other tries will be void.

  12. Christina says:


  13. Emily says:

    Once you’ve submitted your entry, how can you look to see if you got the questions right?

  14. ShannonT says:

    so we are positive it is the same 11 forks?

  15. Angela says:

    You only get one chance.. And thanks heidi, I needed to hear that. Im sitting here bout in tears cause I cant get into the game. Im a sinlge Momma with 3 kids.. 4 weeks ago the motor blew in my Van. I dont have the money to fix it, and I dont expect to win a vehicle by no means. Lady luck is not on my side that way… Its just aggravating because I can not get into it period.. :(…

    • CHANTEL says:

      It will come up! I thought the same thing!! But u do get only 1 chance!! I was hopin 4 more than 1. But I screwed mine up I am a mother of 2 kids ! I know how u feel.. Does it say congratulations?

    • Heidi says:

      No prob… Does anyone know if they take any of you personal info before the answers are submitted and is it the same route as the first phase. I’ve read some stuff on other blogs that indicates its the same 11 forks.???

  16. Emmy says:

    Try going to the Page itself then keep Refreshing the page thats what I did and I got to play after a long wait and continouis refreshing/reopening the page.

  17. Amber says:

    You only get one chance to win but you can play agian just for fun, like in the what drives Edward contest they had last year.

  18. justforthesakeofit says:

    Alaska is blocked out at the moment. Everyone on the west coast is crashing the system. So no go for me. ๐Ÿ™

  19. Heidi says:

    I have a mac and someone suggested I clear my cache and that did it….. hope that helps..

  20. Angela says:

    Yes my email does, and im following the link. Its just not working… Uhggg

    • CHANTEL says:

      Angela,, It will pop up!! Just slow.. Trust me!!! I thought that I was never goin to get it! But than it came on!!

  21. CHANTEL says:

    Well wish u all the luck!! Just watch what u click!1 on the answers!! dont be too fast. cause i was and accidentally picked the wrong one

  22. moonbaby says:

    after you answer the qustions it will go back to th pic look for the answers in the pic

  23. CHANTEL says:


  24. justforthesakeofit says:

    I think I’ll time myself with a stopwatch when I start. I may not be the fastest, but it’ll give me an idea of where I stack. At least you have to assume that everyone has AT LEAST 30 seconds on their time. Someone was saying that the pic is up for 30 seconds and then blacks-out for the questions. So I doubt someone is getting ’25 seconds’ as their time….

  25. CHANTEL says:


    • Chelle says:

      I HOPE YOU CAN GO TO SLEEP TONIGHT WITH ALL YOUR CHEATING! No wander you lost, Angela. Cheaters never win… it’s not fair to everyone else to call someone and give them answers… I’m reporting some of you to Volvo right now. Angela, Chantel, Erin and her husband…. giving them a direct link to this website.

      • Chelle says:

        good luck with entering in their next contests.

        • CHANTEL says:

          Who said I gave her the answers!! damn dont be such a sore loser!!! I didnt give her anything!!! Why would I give someone the answers.. BuT I guess u know it all!!!!

          • Erin says:

            Seriously I didn’t cheat. Grow up and read the rules entirely. No where in the rules does it say only one per household may enter the contest. It took me 3 days for the first phase to get through and my husband took 5 days to get through. We did it our selves without the help of everyone giving out answers on this site! Inform them then I we can let them know exactly how we did our entries. Do you live with us? No! So who are you to say we cheated? For all we know you cheated in the first phase to get to the second? No one knows so back off and quit being so f***ing hateful.

      • Angela says:

        So did you get something wrong and thats why you are being like you are… No one is cheating number one. I cant even get in the game.. And I think im allowed to talk to anyone I want to.. Got a problem with then just bring yourself on over to my house and we will talk about it.

      • Angela says:

        And just so you know,”I haven’t lost anything yet”… I have not played yet… And I will sleep just fine honey….

        • Chelle says:

          EXACTLY! Chantel HAS played and YOU haven’t… you two obviously do not know each other otherwise, you wouldn’t have given out your number to EVERYONE on the internet just now…. Let’s put two and two together… Volvo is smarter than that… You’ll be disqualified…. I have no doubt!

  26. moonbaby says:

    you get 30 sec to look at pic then answer 3 questions

  27. ShannonT says:

    is it the same 11 forks?

  28. Emmy says:

    FINALISTS MAY ONLY ATTEMPT THE FINAL PHASE ONCE. PLAYS RECEIVED FROM ANY FINALIST OR EMAIL ADDRESS IN EXCESS OF THE STATED LIMITATION FOR THE FINAL PHASE WILL BE VOID. sorry about the all caps just got this from the Rules page. Don’t let them trip you up cause if you leave it on the page after entering all your answers & sending it in and don’t close it out it will do it all over again. I almost resent my info.

  29. Emily says:

    Argh! Got one wrong! WHHHY!

  30. CHANTEL says:

    Chelle.. UR tripping just a lil bit!!! Don’t ya think!!! lol

  31. CHANTEL says:

    Do you know how many Chantel, Angela’s and other names there are!!! That might be playing this game!!!! duh UR smart!!! lmao

    • Angela says:

      Get her Chantel, lol.. Theres one in every crowd

    • Chelle says:

      LMBO!!!! That’s funny b/c your email is listed under this and Volvo will have NO PROBLEM getting this website to comply with it’s rules and regulations… They’ll turn over your email addresses and ip addresses in a heart beat!! LOLLLLLLL

  32. Chelle says:

    All you cheaters are about to be disqualified!! Here’s part of the OFFICIAL RULES– In the event an Entrant tampers with the entry process, participates in any unauthorized intervention of the game engine or Contest, cheats or commits any fraud in connection with this Contest during the First Phase or the Final Phase, or otherwise violates the Official Rules, the Sponsor, at its sole discretion, shall have the sole authority to disqualify that Entrant.

    I’ve sent this link to VOLVO!! I hope you’re also banned from their future contests too!

    • CHANTEL says:

      OH!! Well let me see you prove that i’ve done anything wrong!! You stupid man!!!! Cause I havent so do what u gotta do!! U aren’t bothering me at all!!!

      • CHANTEL says:


        • CHANTEL says:


        • Angela says:

          What was it we talked about Chantel, ummm, our kids, and where you were living at now, your sons baseball game at 5 today etc. lol… Some people sooo over react..

      • Chelle says:

        LOL… That’s the great part! I don’t have to prove anything… we’ll see what Volvo thinks about it!

        • CHANTEL says:

          K!! LET’S SEE!!!! HOW OLD R U 15.. IF UR NOT UR SURE ACTIN LIKE IT!! I can talk to whoever I want to on here or on the phone!! So thank you!!! It doesnt mean anything!

          • Angela says:

            Chantel, I should have recorded our conversation so I could prove there was no cheating.. I dont think talking about collage, kids, parents, life etc would fall into tha catagory of cheating…

          • Chelle says:

            I can already tell you were cheating by the way you’re covering your butts now just for “show”… LOL… Too funny… Good luck with your future endeavors or I should say scandals.

          • CHANTEL says:

            Chelle!! Seriously.. Get a life!! Think what u wanna think!! I dont care.. UR getting to be annoying

  33. CHANTEL says:

    Ya!! I know Angela!! But who would of thought that there would be someone like this on here..Whining bout stuff she’s doesnt know anything bout

  34. Emmy says:

    Where in the rules does it say word for word that you can’t talk to your friends??? I don’t think anyone cheated so stop hating. Its a Game you play to win but it is also for FUN.

  35. Megan says:

    I was just wondering how you find out how long it took to finish the 2nd phase? Do they send you an e-mail telling you that at? Or are people just quessing how long it took them?

  36. Megan says:

    oh okay thanks. lol and yeah I saw that people freak out over everything. Like in the 1st phase people were asking where Bella’s backpack was and stuff like that. And someone freaked out saying they were cheating. people are nuts. lol it’s just a game.

    • CHANTEL says:

      I know!! But she just really is gettin on my last nerve.. But I’m NOT TRYIN TO PAY HER ANYMORE ATTENTION!! I guess were cheatin too since were talking!! lmao

  37. justforthesakeofit says:

    calm down people. I finished, but with load time right at the beginning, someone with a faster computer will probably beat me. No harm no foul. Thankfully I had a plan when it came to the picture so I answered all the questions right, and I shut the window right after I submitted.

    I don’t know if it’ll come down to who answered the questions the fastest if people end up with the same time getting to the house. But timing myself I ended the entire thing around 4 1/2 minutes. But mind you, that’s me starting the clock before I hit enter and had the entire game load and stopping it after I inputted all my info and submitted. So shave a couple of seconds or so off that.

    ANYWAY! Here’s to whoever wins! We’re all excited for you (even if we wish it was us…) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  38. Megan says:

    lol it doesn’t matter if someone gave you the answers “so called cheating” or not it’s all about how fast the person can get to the end and answer the questions.

  39. CHANTEL says:

    Well!! Have to go!!! To all who played.. Good luck and may the fastest person win!!!!

    and to you Chelle **** off !!!!! haha

  40. Megan says:

    I finished it in 2 mins and 20 seconds.

  41. justforthesakeofit says:

    and there is it! thanks for crushing my hopes Megan ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you win I’ll give you a big internet high five!

  42. Megan says:

    Sorrym and I bet someone has a faster time then that. I went back through after I already sent in my stuff. And timed myself to see how long it took me for the time I sent in.

    • justforthesakeofit says:

      wait, you saw the note in the rules that if you entered/submitted your info more then once you will be disqualified right? As long as you didn’t hit ‘submit’ at the end twice you should be okay.

  43. CHANTEL says:


  44. lala says:

    im in maine and i still cant get in. Uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg :'(

  45. lala says:

    just played not as hard as a tought but still pretty dificult. dont think i got the shortest time because i had a little trouble typing in my email adress. good luck 2 the rest of u thow.

  46. ShannonT says:

    what if i clicked one fork but then started over, can i be considered?

  47. Chalkess says:

    I just did, I am super pumped I timed myself and got 1:15 I was so fast, I’m so excited!

  48. winit10 says:

    Just remember when someone comes on here and posts an unbelievable claim, like “I did it in “X” number of minutes or seconds, it is to play mind games with the rest of you. Remember the outlandish claims of making it through the first phase in 5,7, and 9 forks? when we all knew that when we received our congratulatory e-mail, it stated we had made in the least amount of turns. Dependant on how many times you ran through it, you knew when you submitted your answer that you had done it in 11 turns. So I guess my point is this “If you have completed your attempt at the second phase, there is nothing left for you to do but wait and see”. it does no good for you to torture yourself, “was I the fastest?” If you did the best that you can do, then just have faith that it is indeed the best effort submitted. Good Luck to Everyone.

    • Jaycee says:

      yes I think that’s going to happen a lot. With all the pages loading to get to the cullens house…there’s no way one could finish in 42 seconds. It took me about 40 seconds to get to their house clicking as fast as I could on each fork. Then 30 seconds for the picture (which they probably don’t count that) and whatever it took to answer the questions. I don’t think they’d count putting in your information. Just getting there and putting in the correct answers. with just those two, I’d say I had about a minute.

  49. T says:

    Pay attention to the flower pot in the front yard, the door to the house, and the people on the first floor

    • rosalie365 says:

      why would u write that. u know its ppl like u that write stuff like that and then make it easier for others to win without trying. way to go Einstein.

  50. darren says:

    seems like the second round is easier then the first. that seems odd.

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