LA Premiere Video Interviews

Jun 25th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

I had to start a new post for these video interviews.  They were getting out of hand on the last one!  So here you go, a plethora of cast interviews from the Eclipse black carpet (and more) 🙂

Rob discusses the World Cup!

Rob & Jackson interview

Eclipse | Kellan Lutz | Jackson Rathbone | Ashley Greene | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailers

Eclipse | BooBoo Stewart | Kiowa Gordon | Kiowa Gordon | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailers

Eclipse | Dakota Fanning | Bryce Dallas Howard | Xavier Samuel | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailers

Eclipse | Kristen Stewart | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailers

LA Times

Jodelle talks Bree Tanner

Movie TrailersMovies Blog

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