Wyck Godfrey Talks “Breaking Dawn” & “Eclipse” DVD

Jul 1st, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Collider has a new interview with Twilight Saga producer Wyck Godfrey, who talks about scenes to look forward to on the Eclipse DVD, as well as pre-production on Breaking Dawn!  Here is a list of points he hit on in the interview and their time code:

Producer Wyck Godfrey

  • Didn’t we just talk…he talks about the crazy production schedule
  • Says he is very busy prepping Breaking Dawn.  Says they are shooting in Louisiana
  • 1:00 – What was the biggest hurdle to overcome on Eclipse
  • 1:45 – How involved is he in the IMAX release
  • 2:15 – How much talk was there to do Eclipse in 3D.  Says they are talking about it for Breaking Dawn.  How does he feel about post converted 3D?
  • 3:20 – How much got cut out of Eclipse that will be on the DVD/Blu-ray.  Says at least 3 scenes that were either cut or cut down
  • 4:00 – Has there been any talk about doing an ultra box set for all the Twilight movies on DVD/Blu-ray
  • 4:25 – Do they have anything that they’re saving for the big box set
  • 5:05 – Bill Condon talk.  How surprised was he that they got him for Breaking Dawn
  • 6:05 – Are they planning on changing stuff out of Breaking Dawn the book versus the movie
  • 7:20 – How long does he think each Breaking Dawn movie will be?  Will they both be 2 hr movies?
  • 8:02 – Says they are shooting Breaking Dawn in Vancouver and Louisiana
  • 8:25 – What else is he involved with?   Talks about his Wizard of Oz project at Warner Bros./New Line.  Says his film is a faithful adaptation of the book
  • 9:15 – With two competing projects happening does he think whichever one goes first will get made
  • 9:45 – Talks about a Channing Tatum 10 year High School reunion movie that he’s working on.  Also a Janice Joplin movie with Amy Adams directed by Fernando Meirelles

TWILIGHT Producer Wyck Godfrey TWILIGHT: ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWNFunny home videos are a click away

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