Burger King Give-A-Way & Commercial Update!
Jul 6th, 2010 | By Kallieross | Category: Contests, Fandom, Featured Articles, Site NewsWe are partnering with Burger King to give away the Ultimate Eclipse Gift Basket! BK has some fun new Team Edward/Team Jacob gear, and we are going to give a basket full of it away to one lucky reader! All you need to do is leave a comment below with your favorite Team Edward/Jacob toy that Burger King is giving away… We will randomly pick one person to mail the basket to on Monday, July 12, 2010!
Remember those photos we shared of the Twilight fans at the Burger King event? We wanted to make sure you could check out the final outcome – TV commercials that star real Twi-hards!!
In the ads, these real life Team Edward and Team Jacob super fans are trying to convince real life BK customers to choose Edward or Jacob as they play the Burger King “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” Game. The game, which you can play in restaurants now, will give two lucky winners “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” Ultimate Experience – a private movie screening and behind-the-scenes movie set tour of the filming of the next movie in “The Twilight Saga.”
Burger King Eclipse Ad on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=636813913223)