Stephenie’s Favorite Eclipse Flashback

Jul 9th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Movie News, Site News, Stephenie Meyer Interview

On this Fan Junket Friday we are excited to bring you Stephenie Meyer’s thoughts about the flashbacks in Eclipse!  The following is a transcript of the Q&A, but we soon hope to add the audio!


TST(Kallie): Ok, I have a question… It is movie related… In Eclipse we get a lot of background for Rosalie, Jasper and the Quileutes. Which I love, love, love!  it’s my favorite part of reading the book, and getting to know the characters.  So which of the backgrounds are you most excited, or have you been most excited to played out on film?

SM: I found Jasper’s really exciting.

TST(Kallie): That’s what I’m most excited about!

SM: I think that having read them… Well, when I was writing them I really liked the Quileute background.

TST(Kallie): I love the Quileutes, and so for me, I was so excited to see the third wife and all that.  But because reading Bree (The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner) I am so excited to see Jackson’s background being played out.

SM: They’re short in the movie, becasue they have to be.  That’s always the heartbreak of them. The biology scene… it kills you because you want to see Rob and Kristen do that.

LT: It’ll just be five hours long!

SM: Yah! So it was hard to have them shortened down.  I think that Nikki Reed will surprise you in her section, she does so great!

TST(Kassie): I’m excited about that!

TS(Matt): She does so great!

Everyone: Arguing about spoilers!  NO SPOILERS!

SM: She really did!

TF(Kim): She looked amazing!

SM: She looked good!  The period piece was really fun!  They did have to shorten that down, and there were things I was sad to loose.  Again, hope for the DVD extras!  I’m always looking forward to those.  But Jackson as a human was awesome!

Everyone: We want to see it!

SM: And, I know there are issues with his hair… right!?!

Everyone: Laughing!

SM: I hear these things!  I love his hair in this one.  When he is human, and his hair in the practice fight… He had a mohawk for this because he just did Airbender. I always pictured Jasper with a little bit longer hair.  I like it when it’s messy.  When they try to smooth it, it kind of loses it for me, but I liked this one.  It’s a little longer.  We were really excited the first time we saw the wig pictures… We were like, “Oh! Nice!”  You know, it’s different right?  But that happens because they’re all people and, you know, they’re getting older.  Vampires don’t do that, but they’re human.

Everyone: Yah!

TST: Awesome!


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16 Comments to “Stephenie’s Favorite Eclipse Flashback”

  1. […] we’ll share with you the transcript from this 4-hour interview For now, check out Twilight Series Theories (who also went to the Fan Junket) for a small portion of the interview where Stephenie talks about […]

  2. EdenC says:

    You know, at this point, I don’t even care anymore about this interview. At first, I was so excited, cuz I love Stephenie Meyer, but you are all so stingy with sharing the interview, it’s turned out to be rather a boring non-event. Sorry, IMO.

  3. laces says:

    I have to admit that in all the pre-movie shots I absolutely hated Jasper’s hair, but when I saw the movie–Jackson did such a fantastic job–that I didn’t even notice the hair. He totally made it work and look good!!

  4. a jordan says:

    i didn’t like japser’s hair in the movie. maybe it’s because i had total mid 80’s flashbacks where guys wore their hair like this. i just hope it doesn’t become a trend. i like his hair the best in the 1st movie.

    i’m glad that kristen will have her own hair for breaking dawn. cuz there were times the wig looked fine and the other times i kept thinking they should have gotten the wig from the raquel welch wig collection. cuz if they did i don’t think it wouldn’t have looked so fake.

    i look forward to reading more from your interview with sm.

    • Stephanie G Cullen says:

      i agree about kristen wig. and it is a good thing that for the next movie she is going to have her own hair, but i would like to see it long like in Alice’s vition in new moon

  5. […] es una transcripcion de la sesion de preguntas y respuestas de Stephenie con los chicos de /twilightseriestheories donde hablo sobre su escena favorita de los flashbacks de Eclipse, donde dice SM son las respuestas […]

  6. […] Twilight Theories published the second installment of their exclusive interview with Stephenie Meyer. Here is what she had to say about her favorite movie depictions of the characters she created: […]

  7. […] es una transcripción de la sesión de preguntas y respuestas de Stephenie con los chicos de /twilightseriestheories donde hablo sobre su escena favorita de los flashbacks de Eclipse, donde dice SM son las respuestas […]

  8. […] Meyer na premieri filma Mrk Marie Claire: Dakota Fanning na naslovnici Twilight Series Theories: Stephenie Meyer EW: Kostumografija filma […]

  9. Mary says:

    Interview sheds some light and kind of glad the director, screen writer and editor have put their “spin” on what to includ/not included and interpretation. Because base on the discussion on fan junket with Stephanie, we could of viewed something quite bizarre and “whacked”. “Breakdown?!!” ……come on now, that would of been real whacked!

  10. Aline Russo says:

    En mi opinión esta película ha estado mejor que las otras, porque ha profundizado más en el pasado de Jasper y Rosalie

  11. Andrea Reyes says:

    Rosalie Forever!! ^______^…..

    ¿Quieres escuchar mi historia, Bella? tiene un final feliz, pero cual de nosotros lo tiene?
    Si tuviesemos finales felices, ahora todos estariamos bajo lapidas…..
    ~Rosalie Hale~

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