The Motorcycle Drive Off, The Wrong Volvo, Angryward, & Rob’s Best Day On Set

Jul 16th, 2010 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Here is release for Fan Junket Friday!  They have some different content, so you will want to check it out…  Here is a bit to get you started…. asks Stephenie Meyer her thoughts on AngryEdward & when Edward threatens Jacob by twifans

Alison: Why do you think the fandom thinks Angry Edward is SO hot?

SM: Ya know it’s funny about this scene, and Meghan’s giving me the eye. That’s the one I walked out on, on the dailies because in my head that scene was so much different. In the movie Edward is quite separate motivation-ally from the book Edward. At this point in the film in the story for me he’s gotten past this. Like he’s realized “I can’t act like a teenage boy anymore. I have to give her space. I have to be the mature one here.” And in that scene in the book, he has, icy calm control. He is very gentle. He is very soft spoken. He is very mature. So when I see him….and plus ya know, the movies are unable to bring to life some of the elements in the mythology. If Edward had, in anger, grabbed Jacob by the shoulder, his arm would have come off. And the fact that Taylor is uninjured, and that he just kind of sits there…..bothered me. So I’m like…wait! If we are gonna go for it, tear his arm off. Ya know. And it’s hard for them, because blood puts you over the limit and stuff, and they would not tear off Jacob’s arm. I’m like….if we want angry Edward, I wanna see some blood. They had already filmed that day, so we couldn’t redo it but, people have responded really well to it.

Go to for more transcript!

All photographs are owned by Stephenie Meyer and there may be no copying or other exploitation of such photographs without the express prior written permission of Stephenie Meyer, c/o Jodi
All Photos: Julie Adamson

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