Vampire Night with the Seattle Mariners
Jul 26th, 2010 | By Kallieross | Category: Fandom, Featured ArticlesThat’s right, the Seattle Mariners are bringing vampires together for a
spectacular night of vamp-themed baseball! Dazzled by Twilight is
sponsoring the event.
The Seattle Mariners would like to invite you to a special evening at the
ballpark in honor of vampires! Your discounted ticket includes a FREE
t-shirt only available through this special offer and also provides access
to a special pre-game happy hour event for vampire fans only.
This event will take place on Saturday, August 7th, in the Outside Corner
(located on the 300-level behind home plate) from 5:10-7 p.m. Enjoy
discounted garlic fries, red beverages, and more! There will also be a
special merchandise table set up with all things vampire by Dazzled by
Twilight. Come dressed as your favorite vampire-related character for a
chance to win prizes!
$18 View Reserved (normally $22)
Includes a FREE commemorative t-shirt!
FREE Seattle Mariners Vampire Night t-shirt only available through this
special offer!
Discounted drinks & snacks, including garlic fries and red beverages
Special appearance by the Forks High School Cheerleaders
Opportunity to purchase unique vampire-related merchandise from Forks’ most
“Dazzling” store, Dazzled by Twilight! Learn more about their special tours
with in-character guides!
National Anthem to be performed by Port Angeles High School’s Vocal
Come dressed as your favorite vampire-related character for a chance to win