Fan Junket Friday With TwiFans & Letters To Twilight
Jul 30th, 2010 | By Krystal | Category: Fandom, Featured ArticlesOur friends over at Letters to Twilight have a full recap of the Stephenie Meyer fan junket interview, which you can read about and listen to here!
SM virginsandreligion by letterstotwilight
SM PickingBattles by letterstotwilight
SM StupidHelicopters by letterstotwilight
TwiFans has posted their next installment of Fan Junket Fridays, this time focusing on Edward making Bella wait, and whether Stephenie thinks Eclipse sends a good message. You can check out their installment here! asks Stephenie Meyer how she feels about Eclipse sending a good message to girls (PSA) by twifans Stephenie Meyer discusses why Edward Cullen wants to make Bella wait until marriage by twifans