Summit Breaks Down ‘Breaking Dawn’ Rumors

Aug 19th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Rumor control time!  In the lull before filming begins on the next project, many rumors have popped up concerning “Breaking Dawn.”  Summit has let us know that most of the big rumors out there are completely false.  Here is a rundown of the facts:

-There is only one casting director associated with “Breaking Dawn,” so if you hear about auditions being held, make sure they involve Deborah Zane.  If she’s not involved, it’s not legit.  If you have any casting questions you can send an email to

-Renesmee’s name will NOT be changed in “Breaking Dawn.”

-Though it is listed on Xavier’s IMDB page, Riley will NOT appear in “Breaking Dawn.”

-There is no information confirming a US release date for the Eclipse DVD.  If you have seen a date, it has not been confirmed by Summit.  International release dates may be confirmed by international distributors.

Hope that clears up a few things 🙂

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