The Virginian-Pilot talks Erik Odom

Oct 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

The Virginian-Pilot has a great write-up about Erik Odom, who plays Peter in Breaking Dawn:

“A few days ago, Maury High graduate Erik Odom was delivering gourmet foods for an outfit called Yummy in the Hollywood Hills. A good day included a $50 tip.

Now, Odom, 24, is one of the newest cast members of the wildly popular “Twilight ” movies. The former Norfolk resident landed the role of the nomadic vampire Peter in “Breaking Dawn,” the two-part treatment that will complete the big-screen adaptation of the best-selling vampire novels.

Odom reacted with surprise, tears and jubilation when he learned he got the part. The news came from a friend, who had heard it from the casting director…”

Go here to read the rest! And make sure you’re following Erik on twitter!

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