David Slade’s Photography Website
Oct 26th, 2010 | By Stefanie | Category: Fandom, Featured ArticlesYesterday on twitter, David Slade posted a link to a new photography website he’d built. The picture above is a never-before-seen photo of Kristen Stewart on the Vancouver set of ‘Eclipse’. To visit the website go here, and make sure you scroll down to check out the various subcategories, like “Cinema” where Slade has posted pictures of cast and crew from some of the films he’s directed, or “Faces” where you’ll see a few familiar Twilight faces!
David has a unique viewpoint that definitely shows in his work, both his film and photography. Personally, I’m liking some of his “Conceptual” photographs. If you follow David on twitter you may recognize a few of the photographs, as he’s posted quite a few on there in the past.