Kristen Talks Strip Clubs, Fame, & Paparazzi

Oct 27th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

The L.A. Times has a new interview with Kristen Stewart, who talks about her role as a stripper in Welcome to the Rileys, as well as how she feels about her role as a celebrity.  Click here to read the full article!

“It’s strange when you become a novelty,” she said, slouching down into her seat. “It’s sort of like, ‘Yeah, sure. Go put this on your Facebook so your friends can laugh at it.’ Because that’s what they will do. And I usually say no to people like that, when they’re like, ‘Yo, yo, can I get a picture of you?’ And it’s like, ‘No, … you,’ ” she said, interjecting an obscenity. “That’s what I’m thinking.”

(Photo: Carolyn Cole)

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