Update on “Breaking Dawn” Filming in Rio
Nov 1st, 2010 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsAs y’all saw the other day, updates on “Breaking Dawn” filming are trickling in. Today is no different in that FoForks has received some news on the BD in Brazil front—I translated this with Google Translate, so blame that for the bits of nonsensical wording ;):
“The Foforks ran far behind more details about the coming of the actors and crew of ‘Dawn’ for Brazil and we got some very interesting and unique information super reliable sources.
The first and most bombastic is that Stephenie Meyer should come to Brazil, along with Rob and Kristen, to accompany the footage. Yes, she, the author, the creator of everything, must step in Brazilian soil as producer of the film.”
And to address those rumors you may have seen floating around that assert that Taylor will be going to Brazil as well:
The second is that the information coming from Taylor, with 99.9% certainty, it is pure speculation, and Mackenzie Foy. Just Rob and Kristen, and Sebastião Lemos and Virgüez Carolina should participate as actors of the recordings on national soil, which makes more sense.
Go here to read more—there is quite a bit more! One of the most interesting tidbits is that they’re saying Carolina Virgüez will be playing Kaure, the maid who works at Isle Esme. I’d recommend putting the website in Google Translate, unless you want to crack open that old copy of your Portuguese to English dictionary.
Side note: For some reason, reading these new details about the BD shoot just made me realize that this is real. They are really about to film these scenes we’ve read about. BD is my 2nd favorite of the Twilight books—New Moon being my favorite—but for some reason, out of all the books, this is the one that, for me, is going to be the strangest to see adapted on screen. I don’t mean strange in a bad way, more like in a surreal way. They will be in Brazil. Next week. Filming Isle Esme. Kristen, as Bella, will be eating the eggs. There will. Be. Feathers. Say what?! And that was your “Thank you, Captain Obvious” moment for the day brought to you by me, Stefanie. 😉
Via: Twilight Lexicon