It’s a Michael Sheen News Day! “Breaking Dawn”, 30 Rock, “The Codfather”, etc…

Nov 6th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

Goodness, today there’s all kinds of Michael Sheen-related news!  First of we have  an interview that TV Guide did with Sheen at the Britannia Awards.   In the  interview, Sheen says he’s set to start working on Breaking Dawn Parts 1& 2 in  December.  The video can’t be embedded so go to TV Guide’s site to watch it! 

If  you’ll notice, the interviewer brings up a project, called “The Codfather”, that Sheen is supposedly starring in and it appears as though it’s the first he’s heard of  it!  After looking over the IMDB page and the production company’s website, I’m  thinking the idea that Sheen is starring in the film is more fiction than fact.

Entertainment Weekly also spoke to Sheen at the Britannia Awards, and he  hinted that his character “Wesley Snipes” might be set to return to 30 Rock.  Here’s what they found out from him regarding Breaking Dawn:

‘I don’t know if they are going to shoot them simultaneously or not. They may do all the Volturi parts in one swoop,’ he told EW. ‘I think that makes financial sense because it is such a huge task to get it all up and running and coordinate this huge cast, especially as they have all got quite full dance cards.’

Photo Credit: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images via TV Guide

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