Press Conference with Bill Condon & Wyck Godfrey in Rio

Nov 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

FoForks has some great coverage on a press conference with Bill Condon, Wyck Godfrey and Sérgio Sá Leitão that took place in Rio today.  According to their report, “Breaking Dawn” production will be in Brazil for ten days, and only five of those are filming days. 

Here are some highlights from the press conference, and make sure to check out FoForks for the rest of the coverage!

– Both me [Bill Condon] and they’re [Rob & Kristen] enjoying the affection of fans.  Incidentally, I want to say it to them. We are enjoying the warmth of the crowd and the city…

– Rio is a very vibrant place, so we decided that the city would come in the film.  We wanted this vibration was evident at Dawn.  We did a scene in Lapa Edward [Pattinson] and Bella [Kristen] to show the real side of carioca culture… 
-The producer of the long, Wyck Godfrey, revealed that filming with the actors in the river have been closed. Sergio Sa Leitao, president of River Films, added that the staff of Sunrise should be back to Rio just to make aerial images of the city.
And just for kicks, here’s another pic from last night in Lapa. 🙂


Eh, what’s the harm, here’s another!


 Photo credit for last two pics: Muveez
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