Today’s Filming Location + Updates on Isle Esme House

Nov 9th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

First off, this entire post is pretty spoilery, so those who are wary of knowing shooting details and the like might want to steer clear of this post. 😉


Today, Rob and Kristen are filming at a waterfall in Taquari which is in the same general area as Casa em Paraty (the Isle Esme house).  FoForks has the details on what’s security is like at the location: 

About 15 security guards, backed by military police, preventing access of the press and onlookers to the site. Segundo produtores do longa-metragem, só é possível chegar até a cachoeira através de uma trilha. According to producers of feature film, you can only get to the waterfall through a track.
On what the pair will be filming:
Everyone is asking for that stunt in Paraty, so here’s the answer: the scene of the waterfall will be done with stunt because the scene starts with taking a couple of jumping from the top of the waterfall and falling into the pool of water underneath…

Visit FoForks to read the rest of the filming details–trust me, you want to go read them. 😉

While Rob and Kristen have been getting ready to shoot some scenes at the waterfall, the production design team has been hard at work over at Casa em Paraty.  They added more sand to the frontyard and some lanterns that line a walkway–they’re gonna look awesome when they’re all lit up at night!  Go here to some fantastic pictures! Via: TwilightLexicon





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