“My True Love Gave To Me…” Contest With TST

Nov 30th, 2010 | By | Category: Contests, Featured Articles, Site News

“On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me…”

There are only 4 days left until Eclipse comes out on DVD!  Woo-hoo!  In honor of the release, we here at Twilight Series Theories will be hosting a special holiday-themed countdown and contest.

Here’s how to enter:

Just reTweet this post on Twitter (@TSTPodcast) OR share the link on Facebook (and be sure to post the link below in the comments).  You will need to do this every day for the 7 days we are promoting the contest!

If you reTweet/Share ALL 7 days you may win an autographed picture of Peter Facinelli, Eclipse DVD and some other Twilight goodies… 7 Prizes total!  The winner will be picked at random Sunday, December 5th!

And, just for fun, some of the TST staff will be answering a special holiday question-of-the-day, so be sure to play along with us in the comments section!  🙂

Question #4: If you had an elf at your disposal, what would you make them do for you?

Krystal: Everything!  I would make it clean my room, dust, do dishes, etc.  Maybe I’d send it into a bank vault and bring me back the contents.  Is this a magical elf like in Harry Potter?  I mean, can it get into places that are off limits?  I need to know the limitations of this elf in order to fully utilize him.  I have plans, so many plans.  Mwahaha!

Stefanie: Go Christmas shopping. -see above- 😉 Or if I had Judy from The Santa Clause, I’d get her to make me some of her famous hot cocoa. OR I’d get Buddy the elf to take me to the North Pole so I can see Mr. Narwhal. “Bye Buddy.”

Kallie: My elf would do laundry and clean my house!  I know it’s not very interesting, but let’s be honest we all hate to do it! Oh, and I might make my elf spy on the Breaking Dawn filming, then I can know all the good stuff before everyone else!