“My True Love Gave To Me…” Contest With TST

Dec 2nd, 2010 | By | Category: Contests, Fandom, Featured Articles, Site News

“On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me…”

There are only 2 days left until Eclipse comes out on DVD!  Woo-hoo!  In honor of the release, we here at Twilight Series Theories will be hosting a special holiday-themed countdown and contest.

Here’s how to enter:

Just reTweet this post on Twitter (@TSTPodcast) OR share the link on Facebook (and be sure to post the link below in the comments).  You will need to do this every day for the 7 days we are promoting the contest!

If you reTweet/Share ALL 7 days you may win an autographed picture of Peter Facinelli, Eclipse DVD and some other Twilight goodies… 7 Prizes total!  The winner will be picked at random Sunday, December 5th!

And, just for fun, some of the TST staff will be answering a special holiday question-of-the-day, so be sure to play along with us in the comments section!  :)

Question#5: Who’d you rather be Home Alone with: Charlie,Victoria or Riley?

Krystal: Hmmm…probably Charlie.  He’s hilarious and wouldn’t try to kill me (I hope).

Stefanie: I was going to say Charlie because he wouldn’t have the sudden urge to kill me but Riley is…okay, nevermind after reconsidering, I’d like to be home alone with Charlie.  Though I might die from boredom (watching tv on the flat screen? eating Harry Clearwater’s fish fry? bleh) instead of a vampire bite.

Kallie: Charlie, all the way!  He is funny, down to earth and won’t eat me!