Edward’s Meadow: Battle of the Twilight Bands III

Dec 5th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles

Edward’s Meadow is holding their annual “Battle of the Twilight Bands”:

It’s time for Edward’s Meadow’s third annual Battle of the Twilight Bands, and this time they are going to a whole new level with an amazing grand prize: a phone call from talented musician and actor Booboo Stewart (who plays Seth Clearwater in the Eclipse movie)!

The Battle of the Twilight Bands is a contest where Twilighters can write their own Twilight inspired songs and enter them to compete online against other Twilighter’s songs. Fans can listen to all the songs and vote for their favorite. The top six voted songs will be sent to our board of judges, which will choose the winners! 

Anyone can enter, and all you have to do is write an original Twilight related song that coincides with the rules, post it on YouTube (if you can’t, then you can e-mail it to them seperately), and fill out the entry form! They will be accepting entries until midnight PST January 1st, 2011. For more details, visit the official Battle of the Twilight Bands web page here: http://www.edwardsmeadow.com/battleofthetwilightbands.html 

Any of y’all planning on entering? 🙂

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