Round-up of ‘Eclipse’ DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews

Dec 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News


Here’s an excerpt from Moviefone’s in-depth review:

Realistically, it doesn’t seem like the filmmakers were trying to reach out to nonfans or folks who hadn’t seen previous installments when they made the movie – nor did they need to – and the home video release is the same way. That said, this set offers virtually everything fans could possibly want from a ‘Twilight’ Blu-ray, short of it being hand-delivered to fans at their door by their choice of Bella’s romantic prospects.

To read the rest go here.  It’s interesting that many of the things the reviewer points out as being negative (Rob and Kristen’s commentary) are aspects of the DVD I really liked!

Do you remember Collider’s search for the Twilight Superfan?  Here’s a section of the fan’s review!  She reviews not just the bonus features but also the film itself.  It’s the most in-depth review I’ve ever seen, so make sure you check it out! Visit to read the rest.

I rarely listen to commentaries more than once but the two Eclipse commentaries are definitely worth several passes.  I have no idea why, but cheeseburgers keep being featured in Twilight commentaries:

Twilight: Rob had a beer gut when he was first cast as Edward and worked out some four hours a day to get ready for the shoot.  Trouble was, he started losing too much weight and Director Catherine Hardwicke was on his case to eat more.  When Edward says onscreen, “What do we eat?”  Rob exclaims, “Cheeseburgers!”

New Moon: Director Chris Weitz claims the reason the kids aren’t with him in the commentary is that Kristen is mad at him for eating her cheeseburger while she was away from her plate at a party.

Eclipse:   Kristen’s in Montreal and jealous that Rob’s in L.A. and just ate an In-n-Out cheeseburger and has another one with him in the room.  There’s also a discussion about begging for Burger King while on set.

Speaking of commentaries, both and Hollywood Crush have posted highlights of Rob and Kristen’s Eclipse commentary. broke it down to a “Battle of the Sexes” between the two over Bella and Edward’s relationship:

She’s [Kristen] a lot looser than she was on the commentary for the first film, and he’s [Rob] even more willing to comically question Bella’s and Edward’s motives. They laugh constantly — especially throughout their disagreements below about whether Bella should continue her friendship with Jacob even though she knows it upsets Edward. He may just have been pushing her buttons (had they been in the same city when recording the track, he would have been slapped, playfully, repeatedly), but he might also be on to something: Is there a double standard when it comes to women in relationships being able to have male friends but men in relationships not being able to have female friends?

To see which particular R/K commentary moments highlighted go here!  Hollywood Crush posted their 12 favorite quotes from the commentary:

Scene: Bella gets in her truck. Edward is waiting for her.
Bella (in movie):
“You scared me.”
Rob (in commentary):
I was trying to. (low voice) I thought you’d like that. (lower voice) I’m Batman.

To see the rest of their favorites go here!

Have y’all had a chance to go through all the special features yet?  The only thing I’ve got left is to finish watching it with Stephenie Meyers and Wyck Godfrey’s commentary–which so far, I’m loving and the R/K commentary is a must listen!  It’s a shame that those deleted or extended scenes on the DVD weren’t included in the actual film.  It’s a pipe dream, but I think it’d be awesome if at the end of all this we got extended editions of each of the films–from Rob and Kristen’s commentary alone we know there are more scenes than what were included in the deleted/extended section of the DVD. Just sayin’ Summit, I think it’s an excellent idea. It worked for The Lord of the Rings didn’t it? ;)–I own all 3 of the extended editions!

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