Hollywood Crush on “Twilight’s” Continued “Vampiric Reign” in 2010

Dec 20th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV’s Hollywood Crush has a fantastic article up that reviews all the Twilight happenings in 2010.  And when I say “all”, I mean all: from our anxious wondering about when the 1st Eclipse trailer would come out, all the way to the end of this year with photos from the set of Breaking Dawn

Last year we listed off the movies, TV shows and other pop-cult gems we were most excited for in 2010, and though the Wizarding World of Harry Potter got the top spot (come on, it’s a theme park), “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” was the movie we were most looking forward to. It’s been a big year for “The Twilight Saga,” and “Eclipse” definitely did not disappoint. As another year of “Twilight“‘s domination is about to begin, we figured now would be a good time to look back at the series’ biggest moments in 2010.”New Moon” had hit theaters only several months before, but “The Twilight Saga” started 2010 off with a bang when there was reportedly some drama between Stephenie Meyer and Summit Entertainment over “Breaking Dawn,” though the “Twilight” author quickly dispelled that rumor. That was followed closely with producer Wyck Godfrey’s announcement that “Breaking Dawn” was gearing up to film the coming fall. We were all holding on to every will-they-won’t-they rumor (3D? CGI Renesmee? One or two films?), and it took the majority of the year for any of those questions to be answered.

Read the rest here.  Major props to Hollywood Crush for taking the time to compile this list!

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