Congrats to TERI! Winner of TST’s Twilight Saga GIVEAWAY-A-DAY!

Jan 7th, 2011 | By | Category: Book News, Contests, Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Music, Podcasts, Site News

Twilight Series Theories is giving away an AMAZING TWILIGHT SAGA PRIZE PACKAGE TODAY! You have 24 hours to leave your entry in the comments section below

We love our reader’s/listener’s Supporter Speculation!  So for your entry, you just need to include what you think should happen next in the Twilight Saga (after Breaking Dawn)!

To win you must be a US resident (sorry about that, but if you’re not a US resident you can enter any of the other contests linked below).  We’ll pick a random winner at 11:59pm (Central) January 8, 2011.

Here are the items that will be in the ECLIPSE duffel bag (we are including the duffel bag as part of the package – these are the same LIMITED EDITION bags that were given out to the cast & crew after THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE wrapped production):

ECLIPSE Duffle Bags Vancouver Black
ECLIPSE Basic Logo Men’s XL shirts
ECLIPSE Soundtrack CD
ECLIPSE Purse (Lion in Moon) or ECLIPSE Purse (Wolfpack Tatoo)
– you will receive only one randomly selected version of this purse
ECLIPSE Puzzle (Ravensburger 1000 Piece)
ECLIPSE Mini Poster
ECLIPSE Skin for iPhone
NEW MOON Mini Posters Signed by Stephenie Meyer
NEW MOON Soundtrack
NEW MOON Baseball Cap
TWILIGHT Ring (Carlisle’s Crest)
TWILIGHT Edward Keychain
(Please note the picture is a representation of what these items may look like. For example the stickers, hats, skins, and buttons come in multiple styles. Your prize pack will not match 100% of the graphic.)

Summit Entertainment, LLC is not a sponsor of the Sweepstakes.

And, if you haven’t gotten an Eclipse DVD, there is an $8.00 off coupon found here.

You can also enter contests this weekend at our other sites…

Win an AUTOGRAPHED copy of The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner at…

Win an ARC of Nightshade, by Andrea Cremer at…

Win a copy of Incarceron, by Catherine Fisher at…

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1,487 Comments to “Congrats to TERI! Winner of TST’s Twilight Saga GIVEAWAY-A-DAY!”

  1. Jenna says:

    I would love it if Midnight Sun was the next book in the series. Edwards persepective is so amazing to read because you really see how he struggled so much with the fact that Bells was so fragile to him. It is going to be EPIC! Also, since that one is already techinically in the works… i beleive a book of what alice was up to while gone in Breaking Dawn would be great. We might learn a little bit more about her back story…which kills me because we don’t know much! love the podcast… luv u gurls! 🙂

  2. Niki says:

    I think Bella and Edward should get on with the wedding and being eternally together!

  3. Melissa Hatley says:

    I would love to read about the discovery of Alice’s past. What era she was from originally and how her powers came to be. A pre series would also be a page turner. The rise of the Volturi and their rule in Italy. The development of the Cullen family after Breaking Dawn, or even the growth or fellowship between the tribe and the Cullen family. It would be interesting to learn what other characters Stephanie has up her sleeves. Her mind is a beautiful twisted trail of right vs wrong and the fight for a love that is pure and true. Something we should all be lucky enough to experience. I can’t wait until she releases her next book. As the mother of the youngest Twi-hard on the face of the planet, I have read the series to her for bed time stories going on three times. It would be awesome to add to our Twilight collection.

  4. Madeleine says:

    I think that the next saga should be about Reneesme and how she grows up with her family .

  5. Kristina E says:

    I would love to read anything but it would be really cool to read from Alice’s perspective. To see how her visions come in flashes and what is to come would be very interesting to me. Of course anything continuing the story would be great so we can follow the Cullens and the wolf pack as they move forward. Who else imprints and their lives in general.

  6. Angelynn says:

    I LOVE TWILIGHT! I’m looking forward to Renesmee not only growing so quickly but using her special gift with all of the cullens and especially Edward, Bella, and Jacob. I would really love to win, there would be no words to explain how happy I would feel, this is my 4th time entering for this contest and I wont stop till this contest is over. I admit that I am addicted to this series, I’ve read the whole series at least 5 times, and Breaking Dawn alone and I’m not lying, 10 times, its my favorite book out of the whole series. I really want this! If I won, I would give some of the BEAUTIFUL prizes to my closest friends and I would keep all of the Edward merchandise to myself, TEAM EDWARD<3

  7. Melissa says:

    The life of Carlisle Cullen.

  8. Crystal H. says:

    There are so many sorry lines that could keep the saga going.. where to start… would love to see Midnight Sun as a book and also a movie, you have the whole Jacob & Nessie, Nessie with Bella & edward getting older and maybe going away to college, Jacob and Rosalie interactions with Nessie, Jacob himself now that he is an alpha in the pack, Carlise past with the Volturi, Alice’s past up until she joined Carlise’s family, more on Bella mom – does she find out about vampires and werewolfs??? I love all the characters..mostly Edward… Have all the books and movies so far.. can not wait until Nov to see Part 1 of Breaking Dawn..Thank you Stephenie Meyer for writing these books 🙂 🙂

  9. Kimberly says:

    I would like to read about Jacob and Renesme’s relationship

  10. Rachel says:

    **I would like to see how renesmee, bella, and edwards life was like after the fight. I would like to see how renesmee handled who she was growing up. If the wolves and vampires have kept their peace even with Jacob and Nessie being together maybe them gettin torn apart because of it. I would like to see if maybe their are more fights between clans. Bring new vampires or more half breeds. Omg don’t get my hopes up I have so many ideas!!**=]

  11. Kelly says:

    I hope she make more stories from Nessy’s point of view

  12. Kelly K says:

    Renessme and Jacobs story!

  13. Becki says:

    I think Midnight Sun should become a movie, also, but I think a book following Nessie would be fantastic, too. Follow her journey from Breaking Dawn forward. I always hate when a series ends, especially when there’s so much left to tell. Maybe Meyer could call Nessie’s book “half breed”

    • Karen Bolinger says:

      I cannot wait for the next volume of the Saga about Renesmee and the Cullen Family titled, Quarter Moon or Bright Star. I’m so earning for another story of my favorite fantasy family. I’ve been trying to read other books since I’ve read each saga 8 times, but no other books compare to the stories of Stephanie Meyer. She is the only writer I’ve read that has kept me on the edge of each page. “Please Stephanie…I”m waiting anxiously with anticipation”.

  14. Pat Orr says:

    I would like to see the future of Jacob an nessy

  15. kevin shaffer says:

    I would like to see the next book about the destruction of the Volturi,especially Jane. plus the world through Renesmee’s eyes .

  16. Katie Patterson says:

    So many options…. I would love a prequel that gives more insight to the lives of the Cullens before they were turned. I would also love to continue where Breaking Dawn left off – there is so much story left with Jacob and Renesme. And I would definately be on board to read Midnight Sun if it were to be finished – the idea of Twilight from Edwards perspective is so intriguing….

  17. Kristine says:

    I loved all of the books Eclipse & Breaking Dawn being my favorites. I would love to hear more of Edward’s side of the story, I love his insight on Jessica. It was a great start and I’d love to hear his side of the story. I would also like to hear Carlisle’s & Esme’s story as well as Jacob & Renesmee’s future story.
    I am so glad that the movie & cast won award’s. It was an amazing movie. I can’t wait for Breaking Dawn part 1 & 2.

  18. Rox Aguirre says:

    After Breaking Dawn, so many things should happen. They should go in dept with all the main characters. Edward needs to tell his side(Midnight Sun)! We should learn more about Alice’s life. Emmet needs to have his story told. Carlisle needs to tell us more about his dilemma of becoming a vampire and having a religious father. Esme needs to give us more on he previous life. Pretty much we need a project for each of our lovely Cullen’s characters!!!! I want more…..there are still soooooo much more we need from our vampires! Plus we need a movie where Breaking Dawn left with Renesme and Jacob! A movie that continues with both of them as a couple! More more more……after Breaking Dawn there is still much more left!!!!

  19. I would love to find out more about Renesmee’s future, it would be great to see her and Jacob have children!

  20. dawn love says:

    At the end of Breaking Dawn, the male half human half vampire was staring at Nessie. I think that the next story should focus on Nessie and Jacob’s relationship getting stronger and then possibly this Male coming back into the picture. Throughout the whole Twilight Saga there has been a love triangle between Edward, Bella and Jacob. Why should Nessie be any different than her mother? Only this time, Jacob will have an ally he didn’t even realize he had. Leah, will step in and save the day. She will feel bad that Jacob is struggling once again with love. She knows how he feels. She lost in love before and has found herself feeling those strange feelings again. She will imprint on the Male half human half vampire. Since Jacob loves one, she should be allowed to love one too. She should be entitled to happiness…shouldn’t she?

    The Volturi will want Nessie because of her powers. The vampires and the werewolves once again prepare to join forces to protect Nessie at all costs. Charlie wants to help. He knows and has come to terms with Bella being a vampire. He knows about Nessie’s abilities. He too wants to be turned. His love for his daughter and grand daughter are as strong and powerful as Bella’s love for Edward. He wants to spend eternity with the ones he loves. Now we see where Bella gets it from. Also, in Midnight Sun, Edward couldn’t read Charlie’s thoughts easily. He only got hints about what he was thinking. He could also be useful as a vampire, almost as useful as Bella.

    Also, the storyline could follow Leah’s new relationship…possibly she gets pregnant and gives birth to a half vampire half werewolf. That could definitely put a whole new spin on things. I’m not saying she is going to have a litter of puppies or anything, but being a werewolf, she probably could go through the delivery without dying.

    The Volturi would hear about this new “hybrid” and would come to take it. This would be the beginning of the end. There would be a war and the Volturi will not win. Jane will be killed…not by the Cullens, but by Aros himself. He will kill her in order to save himself. Which in the end will sentence the Volturi to death.

  21. Kristen O'Keefe says:

    I think the book after Breaking Dawn should be about Jacob and Renesmee, them having a baby together. I can’t wait for Breaking Dawn part 1 and 2 the movies! It is the best story ever thought up! Much thanks to Stephanie Meyer and her beautiful imagination and writing talent! She has opened up a world that I will always keep as a part of me 🙂

  22. Angela Rock says:

    I would love to read more about Alice’s past and Renesme but i would love to really find out on how the Cullens and all their close friends got rid of the Volturi once and for all! and see who ends up in power that could be really interesting as with all the stories in this series which i cant stop reading! i have been reading this series over and over again since i first got my hands on Twilight which has been for a year now! I wish every body luck on winning this contest!

  23. Stephanie says:

    I would love to hear more about Benjamin and the Egyptian Coven. There’s a story there I believe especially with Benjamin having power over all the elements. Stephenie Meyer could create another series on just this coven alone, I grew so curious about them when reading Breaking Dawn.

  24. Dana says:

    I would love to see how Edward, Bella, and Renesmes loves are after the end of Breaking Dawn. It would be interesting to see if Jacob and Renesme are going to be together or if Nahuel plays a part in the new love triangle. I would love to see Midnight Sun finished and continued from Edwards point of view. It really lets you know how difficult it was for Edward to be so close to Bella. Would love to see a short story about what Alice was doing during the fight with the Volturi. =)

  25. Lynn Mondragon says:

    I would love to explore more of Alice’s story.

  26. I would like time to go forward, start a new series with high school this time nesmee and jacob. I would like to see what thappens to the voltarie and the vampire world. Will the cullens be targets of all vampires? why did jacob imprint of nesmee the imprinting explanation should be facinating.Bella’s father must have some dna passed to bella linked to the tribe maybe that can explain her differance the blood has now been mixed with shape shifting.The tribe should now be able to shift into
    hawk, bear etc.the possibilities are endless but thats what i would like to see

  27. Jenny Harris says:

    I want to see the wedding of the century between Bella and Edward before Bella gets changed. Its one thing to read about it but I want them to go all out since this is the last book. I want to see the most beautiful early 1900’s dress they can come up with. Also the most spectacular honey-moon because they deserve it. :}

  28. lovely 6506 says:

    well since all i saw in THE ECLIPSE i guess you cant really judge what will happen next i am starting to to read breaking dawn and no matter what happens next i really doesn’t matter well it does a lot like major much but still if she chooses Edward or Jacob there both very very nice hot hot hot guys Jacob loves her and Edward both love her until her hearth stops beating even Edward even that it was Jacobs sentence but shes very very lucky not all girls have the chance to meet a guy like Jacob or Edward they are both very nice guys and its true love

  29. Christy says:

    Midnight Sun!!!

  30. reanna stockdale says:

    I was never a big reader, but when I saw the preview for the first movie… I couldn’t wait for it to come to theaters, so I went out and bought the book. I was hooked. I really wish the story could go on in some way. It will be bitter sweet when the last two films come out. Please please please finish Midnight Sun.

  31. Katelynne says:

    i would like 2 c renesme when she is full grown. and i would also like 2 c what alice and jasper did to find the other half human/half vampire person.

  32. Vivian Z says:

    I would love the next book to fast forward to when Renesmee is older and her love story with Jacob. Within the story, it would be great to know what Edward, Bella and the rest of the Cullens (as well as the Wolf Pack) has been up to. For some action, a nice confrontation with the Voltouri (who are still trying to maintain power) where all the vampires (including the alies introduced in Breaking Dawn), as well as the wolves, have to join forces.

  33. Rebecca O'Dell says:

    Midnight Sun is what we are all hoping and praying for!!

  34. I would love to see Midnight Sun but I think the next book that would be logical in the sequence, would be the story of Jacob and Renesme. What a story twist with Jacob imprinting on Bella’s daughter. How Edward and Bella would struggle with that situation and how Renesme and Jacob (being half human-half vampire and him being a shape shifter) would struggle with their relationship as she matures. The tribe is supposed to imprint on the person that will make their race stronger, how does Renesme fit into that? Just thought that would be such an interesting subject and I know that I would love to keep reading about the Cullens!!!

  35. Karenann Huff says:

    I hope to see that Midnight Sun is published. I also wish that there are more books written in the other characters’ view. On her website there is excerpt of Rosalie’s thoughts, it’d be interesting for that to be expanded.

  36. Kristin says:

    I would like to second and see if SM would finish both Midnight Sun and then a short story about Alice during Breaking Dawn or another of the 3 saga books like how she or what she was feeling during the time.

  37. Adriana Tirado says:

    I think that after Breaking Dawn, Bella & Edward will start opposing Jacobs and Renesme’s love.

  38. Kristin says:

    I would like to see more of Alice in the last two films since they didn’t do the dinner part.

  39. One of my absolute favorite parts of Breaking Dawn was learning more about the covens from around the world. Each particular vampire with their specific powers was addicting for me to read! I would love to explore more about these covens as Stephenie also explores more about Renesme and her upbringing with Bella and Edward as parents!! How fun would that be?!?! Also I want Midnight Sun to come out already! I read the online segment about 10 times!!


  40. Haley Nichols says:

    I think they should take some of the best fan fiction stories, and turn them into mini movies for the fans.

  41. Carrie says:

    After we leave Edward and Bella, things will calm down. Charlie will struggle with Renesme’s unexplained growth, but Sue will help him through it. Renesme will get older and Jacob’s feelings will start to grow. It will be hard for Bella and Edward to handle, but Bella will see how happy they are, and be happy with it too. After all, no one will ever love her daughter as much as Jacob, and it will be forever, neither will have to ever say goodbye!

  42. brittany says:

    it sounds like the one vivan z wrote but WELLLL… i actually started to write like two pages already but i think there should be a book of the life of nessi and jacob when nessi grows up and nahuel has some interesting news about his and nessi’s kind and nahuel looks really diffrent thats all im saying ! …..i even have the name of the book ……..SUN RISE =] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Amanda says:

    I would really love for Midnight Sun to be finished. I so loved what she wrote so far!

    Then it would be great is SM wrote another book about Jacob and Renesme (of course Bella & Edward would be in it too).

    Additionally some other Novella’s about other characters would be awesome. For example, Alice, the Volturi and/or Denali Clan.

  44. melissa says:

    I would love to see what happens with renesme or find out more about Alice’s first life. I also cannot wait to read twilight from Edwards perspective. there is so much more that I would love to read and or watch. it would be really cool to see how things end up with Nessie and Jacob and how the cullens react to that union…… so much Stephanie could make the twilight saga for years and years to come.

  45. gena says:

    I think the next chapter (or book) should be Reneesme’s life. I would love to read what happens to her growing up with bella & edward as parents and her imprinting with jacob. I think that’s a great story just waiting to be told!!!!

  46. Gabe says:

    Would be nice to win

  47. Gabe says:

    Would be nice to win,!!!

  48. Courtney says:

    Midnight Sun of course. But I think it’s be nice to see what happens after Breaking Dawn from Edward’s eyes.

  49. Luisa Richards says:

    I would really loved to win, because I have never won something like this before.

  50. Aaron Gonzalez says:

    Need to show Carlisle’ history.

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