Ashley Greene’s Looking Forward to Volturi Fight Scene in “Breaking Dawn”

Jan 11th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV News named Ashley Greene one of their “11 to watch in 2011”, and they talked with her about her upcoming projects, one of them of course being Breaking Dawn.  In the interview, Ashley reveals that there will in fact be a fight scene with the Volturi: 

MTV: What “Breaking Dawn” scene are you most excited to film?

Greene: Most excited to film and see would be the big fight sequence against the Volturi. As a cast, we like to do as many of our own stunts as possible, so it’s fun and challenging to shoot those scenes. Jeff Imada, the stunt coordinator, is such a blast to work with as well. I’m learning so much from him.

MTV: Tell us about Bill Condon’s style on set. How does he differ from prior “Twilight” directors?

Greene: “There’s no way to describe what it’s like working with Bill Condon except incredible! He is so professional, patient and a fantastic leader. I get excited going to set every day knowing I get to work with him. Each director has brought such a different energy and perspective to the films. Bill is very relaxed and authoritative, in a good way. I feel very comfortable working with him.

MTV: Kristen Stewart said at the People’s Choice Awards that she filmed some scenes as a vampire. What was your reaction to seeing Kristen as a vamp?

Greene: Glad to have her officially join the Cullen family!

Read the rest of the interview over at MTV News.  I’d heard rumors that there would be a fight scene with the Volturi at the end of Breaking Dawn, but this is the first official word I’ve heard on the matter–not that Ashley confirms it is at the end of the film, but it makes sense that the fight scene would indeed happen then.  Gotta say I’m looking forward to it!

Photo Credit: MTV News

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