Take a Look Back at Some “Twilight” First Looks

Jan 14th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV has posted a compilation of some of their favorite “Twilight” first looks.  The recent honeymoon photo of Edward and Bella is of course on their list, but here are some of their other favorites:

First Look at Jacob Black
In Stephenie Meyer’s book, Jacob Black is a 6-foot-7-inch 16-year-old. In the adaptation, which began filming early in 2008, Black was played by a then-largely unknown, 5-foot-9-inch 16-year-old named Taylor Lautner. MTV News delivered the first-ever look at Lautner in wig-rocking character in April of that year. “The wig is very interesting. I’m definitely going to have to get used to it,” he told us. “It’s like halfway down my back.”


MTV Shows

(Aw, Taylor’s so leetle!) 

And here’s another of MTV’s favorites:

Meet the Volturi
Months before “New Moon” introduced the powerful bloodsuckers known as first official “New Moon” footage arrived courtesy of MTV. During the 2009’s Movie Awards, we debuted the first trailer. Who did the unleashing? Pattinson, Stewart and Lautner, of course.


 (Do you remember watching this for the first time?!  Jacob’s transformation at the end nearly killed me. I don’t think I’ve ever, before or since, been as excited by a movie trailer.)

Visit MTV to see the rest!  Did any of your favorites make the list?

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