Vogue ‘Reporter’s Notebook: Kristen Stewart’

Jan 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Eve MacSweeney, who interviewed Kristen for the upcoming February issue of Vogue, was asked 5 questions about Kristen Stewart and she reveals a bit about that honeymoon scene we’re all dying to see!

Vogue.com: How does she feel about playing Bella Swan?
Eve MacSweeney: Kristen takes her responsibilities to Twilight fans incredibly seriously, because she knows how important it is to them that the Bella they see on-screen is true to the character in the books, which she reads and rereads on set. She was joking about the honeymoon scene in Brazil, which she had just come back from filming. As she tries to seduce Edward (Robert Pattinson) in a sexy negligee, the crew was urging her to “shake it up a bit.” But she said, “I was like ‘Aaaah!’ I couldn’t do it. It would have gone against everything I’ve ever been used to playing with her.”

Go to Vogue.com to read the other 4 questions/answers!

Photo: Mario Testino/Vogue

Via: @kstewartnews

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