Fans Flock to Arsenal Park in Hopes of Seeing ‘Breaking Dawn’ in Action

Jan 24th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

The Advocate, a Baton Rouge newspaper, spoke with some of the fans who had perched themselves atop the city’s capitol building in hopes of seeing some of the Breaking Dawn cast in action during Friday’s night shoot–even if it meant they’d be viewing the actors through a pair of binoculars!

She’d flown in from Lubbock, Texas, on Thursday and had been perched on the lookout post for more than four hours with brand-new binoculars pressed to her face.But Ryan wasn’t interested in the sights of the capital city — her eyes were locked on the enormous green screen erected in Arsenal Park, trying to catch sight of the stars of the “Twilight” movie filming there. 

“I’m staying right here,” she said of her spot, where at least five other fans lingered around her. “I am determined to see something.” 

Read the rest over at The Advocate, there’s also another picture of the set included with the article so be sure to check it out! So how many of you would’ve done the same thing?  Honestly, it might never have crossed my mind to go to the top of another building, but what a cool experience–not to mention a great view!  Before you go, head over to the Twilight Lexicon where they’ve got a Baton Rouge fan’s perspective of filming in her hometown!

Photo: Richard Alan Hannon/The Advocate

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