Eclipse Nominated for “The Awards That Shall Not Be Named”
Jan 25th, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie NewsAs you may can tell by the headline, we’ll be talking about a certain awards ceremony whose soul purpose is to call out those films and actors they see as being the worst of the year. Eclipse received 9 nominations, including “Worst Picture”. In this post I’ll be referring to these awards as the “Blueberries” because I don’t plan on giving them any publicity, which as Kaleb Nation points out in the video below, leads to ad revenue for the awards each time you visit their site.
If you still aren’t sure what awards I’m talking about check out the video below where the name of the awards are mentioned. Kaleb Nation hits the nail on the head with his take as to why Eclipse was nominated for a “Blueberry”.
Also, here’s Next Movie’s “Confessions of a Male Twi-Hard” ‘s level-headed approach to addressing the nominations:
No doubt you’ve already started organizing fellow Twi-Hards, lighting torches in preparation to lead an angry mob toward the home of [“Blueberries”] founder, John J.B. Wilson. However, before forgetting your classy Twi-principles in order to enact some kind of “Frankenstein”-justice on Wilson, the face of this Twi-Hatred and a man whose two middle initials clearly indicate he thinks he’s better than us, please take a a moment to read this.
First of all, the people who vote to nominate “the worst” films of the year are not filmmakers, actors, journalists or critics of reputation. Before creating the [Blueberries], Wilson was a copywriter and publicist. He is no more of a film expert than you or me. He is simply an early proponent of the “Hater Culture” that pervades our culture today. When he created the concept in 1981, there were no Internet message boards or blogs for him to post his opinions, so he created an awards ceremony (OK, that was kind of a smooth move).
Being a publicist by trade, Wilson knows that to grab the public’s attention, he must nominate movies people care about. And people obviously care about “Twilight,” more every year in fact.
Continue reading the article here where he goes into detail about why being nominated for a “Blueberry” ain’t such a bad thing because there have been some pretty awesome people/films that have been nominated in the past. (Have to say I totally agree with him about Vampires Suck. That movie had maybe 2 funny moments. The rest was painfully unfunny which was disappointing because I love a good parody as much as the next person!)
So you see, it’s all about publicity, which is why I staunchly refuse to mention the awards by their true name. 😉