Chris Weitz on His New Film ‘A Better Life’ & Why Twihards Should Think about Checking It Out
Feb 1st, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsChris Weitz has a new film coming up, and this time he’s not dealing with any supernatural elements like say, sparkly vampires. The film is A Better Life, originally entitled “The Gardener”, and Chris has teamed up once again with Alexandre Desplat and Javier Aguirresarobe, both of whom he worked with on New Moon. According to Cinematical, who premiered the first official one sheet for the film, A Better Life is about “a Mexican gardener and undocumented immigrant, played by Demian Bichir (‘Che’), trying to keep his young son Jose safe in East L.A. and away from gangs and immigration officials. After the man buys a truck to improve his business, the vehicle is stolen, and father and son must set out to find it.”
Here’s what Chris had to say in regard to the Twilight fans who are considering whether or not they want to see his latest work:
“Look, let’s be honest: There’s not a single vampire, not a werewolf or star-crossed romance in sight. Jose is quite a heartthrob but just doesn’t have Jacob’s abs. Demian plays an amazing Dad but doesn’t have to deal with quite the same issues as Charlie Swan. But if a fan of ‘Twilight’ came away from watching ‘New Moon’ with a sense that that movie has been done well by me and my crew, they might be interested in seeing another film that deals with some pretty intense feelings and, frankly, packs a tremendous emotional wallop. I’ll put it this way: I bet that Bella would go see ‘A Better Life.’ I bet she’d make the drive out to Port Angeles. And I bet she’d like it.”
Read the rest of the interview over at Cinematical. The film doesn’t have a release date yet but check out the film’s facebook page for the latest info!
I don’t think it’s any secret around here that I’m a fan of Chris Weitz, suffice it to say I’m eagerly looking forward to the trailer for this film!
Poster: Summit via Cinematical