Reelz Channel’s Top Ten Franchises List–the Results Are Up to You!

Feb 7th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News


Reelz Channel wants to know what your top ten franchises are:

Year after year, sometimes decade after decade, audiences continue to flock to theaters when the sequels or re-imaginings come out.They’re the movie franchises that maintain a huge fan base. Now’s your chance to tell us your absolute favorites and have a say in which movies appear on Hollywood’s Top Ten. And remember, if your favorite isn’t listed, go ahead and add it, so others can vote it up or down the list.

Sooo, whatchya waiting for?  Go vote for the Twilight series!  I have to say, I’m having fun organizing my list, but it’s hard to remember all the franchises that are out there!  I need to go check out my DVD collection to see if there are any missing from my top ten list.


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