Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Twi-style c/o Next Movie’s Male TwiHard

Feb 9th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles


Confessions of a Male TwiHard is taking on Valentine’s Day by giving suggestions on how people of the Twilight persuasion can use their fervor for the saga to celebrate the day that most single people hate!

Turning your Valentine’s Day into a “Twilight-themed” date may not be the most original concept in the universe. Coupling the year’s designated day for romantics with the biggest fictional romance of the 2000s has been commonplace since the first book…

The great thing about vampires is they look awesome in outfits most people can never wear well. Capes, velvet, white satin, red contact lenses, black period garb, large silver amulets and long flowing coats all look better on vampires in “The Twilight Saga” than they’ll ever look on you.

Still, let V-Day be your excuse to wear that purple velvet cape you’ve had since your short-lived Renaissance Fair stage. You and your sweetheart have free reign to dress as vampire as you want to be. Go ahead and cover yourself in sparkly glitter paint. Once dressed, if there are woods nearby, run through them like you’re Bella and Jacob. Run through them like you mean it.

“Run through them like you mean it.” Ahahahah This. Is. Great!  I love when people take the time to come up with crazy, Twilight-related ideas.  Check out the rest of his suggestions over at Next Movie. Though I do think it should say “run through them like you’re Bella and Edward.” Ahem.

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