Melissa Rosenberg in Negotiations to Pen “Highlander” Script

Feb 9th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Melissa Rosenberg is set to take over the script-writing duties of Summit’s “Highlander” project.  The Hollywood Reporter has the exclusive:

The scribe is in negotiations to come on board to work on the studio’s remake of HighlanderNeal Moritz is producing the project, which offers an update on the 1986 movie starring Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery and Clancy Brown. Justin Lin (Fast Five) is attached to direct. Peter Davis is also producing.

The original story centered on a Scottish swordsman, who discovers he is part of a secret race of near-immortal beings and faces off against an unstoppable barbarian who covets the power gained from there being only one of their kind left.

Check out the rest of the story here

I’m a sucker for movies like this, so I’m looking forward to hearing more about this project!

Here’s the original film’s trailer to give you an idea of what the story is about.  I’m pretty sure this is one of those cult classic films, but I’ve never seen it, every so often I’ve heard it mentioned.  Oh man, the 80s hair bands are all over this trailer’s soundtrack with their screaming electric guitars.  Let’s hope that whomever is cast in the lead role has a much more decent Scottish accent than this guy. 


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