“X-Men: First Class” Trailer Featuring Edi Gathegi
Feb 10th, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, VideosThe X-Men: First Class fan page has just released the first official trailer for the film and Twilight’s own Edi Gathegi is in it. He plays Armando Muñoz/Darwin who’s abilities are listed on the Marvel database as being:
Instantaneous Adaptation: powers of self-protection and continuous circumstantial evolution. Darwin is able to adapt to any situation. His reactive mutation adjusts his capabilities to his environment. For example, his eyes would adapt to seeing in darkness, his lungs would adapt to poisoned air. He would become impervious to heat or smoke in a fire and he would grow gills when put underwater.
And my favorite is the information about his strength: “He’s as strong as he needs to be.” Hah!
Who else is excited for this movie?! I’m a big fan of superhero movies and if the movie’s got Mr. Rochester (Michael Fassbender), Mr. Tumnus/Tom Lefroy/Max (James McAvoy) on top of that…well, then I’m there! 😉