The Twilight Saga Soundtrack DVD Goes Gold
Feb 25th, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Music, VideosThe “Music Videos and Performances from the Twilight Saga Soundtracks, Vol. 1” has been certified gold! Home Media Magazine has the story:
Nowadays Steve Nickerson, Summit Entertainment’s president of home entertainment, isn’t surprised by how well anything “Twilight” does at retail.
So when the Recording Industry Association of America, or RIAA, announced this month that the combined DVD and Blu-ray Disc releases of Music Videos and Performances from The Twilight Saga Soundtracks Vol. 1 had reached RIAA-certified gold status Nickerson was more pleased than surprised.
“It’s a little bit of a unique project we developed with Atlantic [Records], and we’re happy with the consumer reaction to it,” he said. “Each of the three individual soundtracks did more than well, and while any of the videos may be available through the individual artists, to put them all together in a product was a unique opportunity,”
Check out the rest here.
And speaking of Twilight soundtracks, on last night’s episode of American Idol one of the contestants sang a song that’s basically the Twilight anthem: Paramore’s “Decode”! Check out Colton Dixon’s performance around the 3:15 mark.
Video: via Twilight Lexicon
Do any of y’all own the soundtrack DVD/Blu-ray? I’m a bit ashamed to admit that I haven’t gotten it yet!