Photos of Some of Rob, Kristen & Taylor’s “Breaking Dawn” Costumes!

Mar 8th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

The Twilight Lexicon was at the Official Twilight Convention in L.A. this past weekend, and they brought back some awesome pictures with them!  Below are pictures that the convention had on display of 3 of the costumes straight from the set of Breaking Dawn!  At first I thought that Kristen’s outfit was the motorcycle outfit that Edward gives Bella, but then after going back through the books I remembered that it happened in Eclipse not Breaking Dawn. Bummer. Still though it seems like Bella’s gonna be looking pretty fierce in Breaking Dawn (though I think all those Brazil pics already proved this theory!)  Please let there be No. More. Plaid.  Bella the Lumberjack need not make an appearance in Breaking Dawn!


                                  (Those are high-heeled boots!  Think this is a vampire Bella costume? 😉 I doooo!)


Head over to the Twilight Lexicon to see the rest of their pictures!


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