New Nightshade & Wolfsbane Covers!

Mar 11th, 2011 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles, Site News

This is one of my new favorite books, and I want you to know everything about it!  You can check out more at… The author of Nightshade, Andrea Cremer, has updated her blog with a post about the new cover that will grace the paperback being released in June… We can’t wait!  I think the cover is FIERCE, just like Calla!

“Penguin decided to try out a fresh take on NIGHTSHADE for the paperback release and I absolutely love it. I also loved the original cover, but I think the new cover truly embodies the novel and depicts Calla so perfectly. When I was first mulling over NIGHTSHADE I came across a poem by Margaret Atwood (one of my favorite authors)* and was struck by its first stanza:

Not you I fear, but that other

She who can walk through flesh

Queen of the two dimensions

These lines reflected the essence of Calla and were the inspiration for this new cover. I love it!”

Here is what Andrea has to say about the new Wolfsbane cover…

“I am enthralled by how powerful Calla is in this image and the way she resembles a wolf silhouetted by the moon is exquisite. Calla would love this cover (as would Ren and Shay *cough*).

Thanks to all the talent at Penguin for giving my books such wonderful covers!!! I can’t wait to see them on the books!!”

I am enthralled with this cover!  Calla looks strong and independent… I am really looking forward to this book!

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