Looking for the “Next Twilight”? Next Movie Says You Ain’t Gonna Find It

Mar 12th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

Oh, how do I heart Confessions of a Male Twihard, let me count the ways. A one, in his latest article he says there can’t be another Twilight.  A two, he lists reasons why Twilight is Twilight.   A threeeee, he disects the new up-and-coming series that everybody and their mother keeps saying will be the next Twilight and explains why they’re not the “next Twilight”.  And honestly, who else tired of hearing new books and films described like that? ^Raises hand^  The four big series he discusses are The Hunger Games, Maximum Ride, The Mortal Instruments, and Wings.  I’ve read all those series except for Maximum Ride, and they’re are genuinely some of my favorite books, but no way are they Twilight.  Here’s an excerpt of his article, and make sure you head over to Next Movie to read the rest.  Trust me, it’s worth the read:

Studio executives would happily hand over their firstborns to the Volturi for a lead on “the next ‘Twilight’ franchise” (trust me, I’ve prank-called). That’s because finding such a rarity is about as easy as winning the lottery.

Paramount developed “Twilight” for three years before getting letting the rights slip to a then-little-known production company Summit Entertainment. Universal and United Artists passed on their options for “Star Wars,” and 20th Century Fox gave Lucas hell through production, worried the over-budget film wouldn’t amount to much.

The problem movie studios run into is trying too hard to find “the next _______.” “The Twilight Saga” is as much the next “Harry Potter” as “Pirates of the Caribbean” is the next “The Lord of the Rings” or “Ice Age” is the next “Toy Story.” Fanatics of one series aren’t necessarily looking to glom onto a new similar thing.(…)


 Author: Aprilynne Pike
Premise: 15-year-old Laurel learns she’s a faerie and must protect the gates of Avalon and her hippie family.
Movie: Disney optioned the rights and is developing it with Miley Cyrus in mind… until she gets caught with another bong.
Addictive Book Series: Stephenie Meyer endorsed the debut book with a cover blurb (as she did “Hunger Games”). “Spells,” the second books, is coming in May.
Odd Names: Tamani is the most interesting name, and he’s a boy.
Moping Female Lead: Laurel is a free-spirited vegan, forced to move into the city, instead of out into the woods, like Bella.
Heart-of-Gold Bad Boy: David, the human vegan love interest, and Tamani, the faerie love interest, can’t really be classified as bad boys.
Supernatural Love Triangle: Totally, but not nearly as edgy.
I think my favorite thing that he says, now keep in mind I love faeries/fairies whatever the hip spelling is these days–you can ask Krystal or Kallie if you don’t believe me–but his “Why It Won’t Be “Twilight” explanation for Wings cracked me up:

 Because faeries are NOT, and CANNOT, be the next vampires. Are you trying to make me cry?

Photo: Muveez.com

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