MTV’s #4 Rob Moment: that MTV Movie Awards Kiss.

Mar 15th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos

Another day closer to the epic Q&A with Robert Pattinson and another flashback to some of Rob’s funniest moments.  MTV has posted their #4 Rob MTV moment:


Robert Pattinson later confessed that the kiss “didn’t work,” but there are legions of “Twilight” fans who would surely disagree. That smooch with Kristen Stewart, after all, might just be the closest any fan will ever get to seeing the duo lock lips in a setting where they’re not pretending to be Forks, Washington, lovebirds (…)

To fully understand the kiss, we’ve got to flash back to 2009, when the actors won their first Best Kiss award. Pattinson leaned into the mic and announced that he had to take the gum out of his mouth. He and KStew stared at each other as if readying for a kiss. They closed their eyes, leaned in, brushed noses — but that’s as close as they’d get. “Thank you so much!” Stewart declared, before they scampered backstage (…)

Much like the year before, they seemed to be teasing the audience with the prospect of a Robsten kiss without actually delivering one. Until they did. And the Twi-verse imploded. That didn’t stop Pattinson from telling us afterward that he wasn’t all that pleased with how things went.

Head over to MTV to check out the rest where they reminisce about some of Rob’s other ideas about what he wanted to do in lieu of a kiss.  I’m really surprised they picked this “kiss” over the almost kiss that happened the year before!  That was definitely a showstopper.

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